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Kamala Harris is not our savior. But a victory for Donald Trump would be catastrophic.

Kamala Harris is not our savior. But a victory for Donald Trump would be catastrophic.


I am convinced that a majority of Americans do not support Trump. He's lost the popular vote twice now; this is why he has prepared the ground for baselessly denouncing electoral fraud or encouraging political violence as a means of retaining power.

But this majority will only make a difference if we mobilize to vote and organize.

It's not enough to beat a fascist by razor-thin margins; Ideally, we need to increase the margin of victory to such an extent that it becomes that much more difficult for Trump and his acolytes to claim that they represent the will of the American people. This is why voting, even in blue or red states, is important. To achieve a more equitable America, we must pay attention to the Democratic popular vote and if Harris wins, so will Vice President Tim Walz, who believes, like many of us, that the Electoral College needs to go.

I know we've all compartmentalized things in various ways, even to get this close to Election Day. We have avoided the news or ignored headlines and stories because we need to get on with our lives. But democracy is not guaranteed. This is a group effort that requires all of us to be involved.

Right now, we have the power to stop Trump. If he wins, we may no longer have these tools at our disposal. Trump publicly told conservative Christians that he just needed them to vote this year and then they wouldn't have to vote anymore. Four more years, everything will be settled, everything will be fine, you will no longer have to vote, my beautiful Christians, he said this summer, one of many comments that should have triggered a scandalous news cycle of week but were swallowed up by, well, everything else. He has an army of election deniers ready to carry out his corrupt and undemocratic orders.

There are a number of things you can do right now on Election Day: volunteer, use a phone bank, go door to door or canvass, write postcards or letters , offering to drive people to the polls, volunteering as a poll worker. If you've never called voters in your life, now is the time to try. It may be difficult, but life under a Trump-Vance administration would be infinitely more difficult.

Hillary Clinton comfortably won the popular vote in 2016 by millions, but lost the Electoral College by razor-thin margins, in part because people thought they couldn't make a difference, or were better left the job to someone else.

No one will come to save us. We must save ourselves and each other. Any of the issues you care about will be impossible to defend under a Trump administration.

If you feel any anxiety or worry about this election, I urge you to turn it into action. There is no longer any need to postpone or deactivate it. That's it.

Don’t wake up on November 6th and wish you could do more. Do it now. You still have time.

This article has been updated.

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