Study confirms Egyptians drank psychedelic cocktails in ancient rituals
A University of South Florida professor has discovered the first physical evidence of hallucinogens in an Egyptian mug, validating written records and centuries-old myths about ancient Egyptian rituals and customs. David Tanasi has examined one of the few Egyptian Bes mugs in the world through advanced chemical analysis.
Such mugs, including one donated to the Tampa Museum of Art in 1984, are decorated with the head of Bes, an ancient Egyptian god or patron demon worshiped for protection, fertility, medicinal properties, and magical purification. has been. Published Wednesday in Nature's magazine scientific reportthis research sheds light on the mysteries of ancient Egypt – the secrets of how the Bes mug was used some 2,000 years ago.
“There is no study that has found what we found in this study,” Tanasi said. “For the first time, we have been able to determine all the chemical signatures of the ingredients in the liquid concoction contained in the Beth Mug at the Tampa Museum of Art, including the plants used by the Egyptians, all of which It has psychoactive and medicinal properties.”
The Bes mug existed for a long time and in different contexts, making it very difficult to speculate about its contents or its role in ancient Egyptian culture.
“For a very long time, Egyptologists have wondered what the mug with the head of Beth was used for, and what kind of drinks it was used for, such as sacred water, milk, wine, beer, etc. “We've been speculating about whether this was the case,” said Branko van Oppen, the museum's curator. Greek and Roman Art at the Tampa Museum of Art. “Experts did not know whether these mugs were used in everyday life, for religious purposes, or in magical rituals.”
Several theories about mugs and vases were formulated based on myth, but few were tested to reveal the exact ingredients until the truth was extracted layer by layer.
Tanashi, who developed the study as part of the Mediterranean Food Archeology Project promoted by the U.S. Forces Japan Institute for the Advanced Study of Culture and Environment, collaborated with several U.S. Forces researchers and partners at the Universities of Trieste and Milan in Italy. and chemical and DNA analysis. For the first time, the researchers combined a number of analytical techniques to uncover what the mug last held, using samples scraped and crushed from the inside walls of the vase.
The new tactic was successful and the vase was found to contain a cocktail of psychedelic drugs, bodily fluids and alcohol. Tanasi believes the combination was used in magical rituals reenacting Egyptian mythology, perhaps for fertility purposes. This concoction was flavored with honey, sesame seeds, pine nuts, licorice, and grapes, and was often used to make the drink look like blood.
“This study tells us about the magical rituals of Egypt's Greco-Roman period,” Van Oppen said. “Egyptologists believe that pregnancies in the ancient world were so risky that people visited Saqqara's so-called Bes Hall when they wanted to make sure their pregnancy was a success. Therefore, this combination of materials could be used to make dreams come true. It may have been used for inducing magic.''This ritual was performed during the dangerous conditions of childbirth. ”
“Religion is one of the most fascinating and puzzling aspects of ancient civilizations,” Tanasi said. “This study finds scientific evidence that there is some truth to Egyptian mythology, and a little-understood ritual believed to have taken place in the Hall of Beth at Saqqara, near the Great Pyramid of Giza. It helped shed some light.”
Beth's mug is currently on display at the Tampa Museum of Art and can be seen in the exhibition “Prelude: Introduction to the Permanent Collection.” Check out the 3D model of the Bes mug created by the USF Digital Exploration Laboratory.
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