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During meeting with Biden, China's Xi warned US to 'make the wise choice' to maintain stable relations

During meeting with Biden, China's Xi warned US to 'make the wise choice' to maintain stable relations


Chinese leader Xi Jinping met for the last time with U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday, but he was already eyeing President-elect Donald Trump and his “America First” policy, saying Beijing “is ready to work with a new American administration.

During their talks on the sidelines of the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, Xi warned that a stable relationship between China and the United States was essential not only for the two nations, but also for “the future and the destiny of humanity.

“Make the right choice,” he warned. “Continue to explore the right way for two great countries to get along well.”

Without mentioning Trump by name, Xi appeared to express concern that the new president's protectionist rhetoric on the campaign trail could send U.S.-China relations into another valley.

“China is willing to work with a new U.S. administration to maintain communication, expand cooperation and manage differences so as to move toward a smooth transition of China-U.S. relations for the benefit of the two peoples,” Xi said. through an interpreter.

Xi, who is firmly entrenched at the top of China's political hierarchy, spoke forcefully in his brief remarks to reporters. Biden, who is ending more than 50 years of public service, spoke more broadly about the evolving relationship between the two countries. He reflected not only on the past four years, but also on the decades during which the two men knew each other.

“We haven't always agreed, but our conversations have always been frank and frank. We've never been wrong,” Biden said. “These conversations avoid miscalculations and ensure that competition between our two countries does not escalate into conflict.”

Biden was expected to urge Xi to dissuade North Korea from further deepening its support for Russia's war against Ukraine. Executives, surrounded by senior aides, gathered around a long rectangle of tables in a large conference room at the Defines Hotel and Conference Center in Lima.

China “hosted” the meeting this year, after Xi and Biden met a year ago on the sidelines of APEC in Northern California, a meeting hosted by the United States. They had much to discuss, including China's indirect support for Russia, human rights issues, technology and Taiwan, the self-governing democracy that Beijing claims as its own.

There is much uncertainty about the future of U.S.-China relations under Trump, who campaigned on a promise to impose 60 percent tariffs on Chinese imports.

Already, many American companies, including Nike and eyewear retailer Parker Warbyhave diversified their supplies outside of China. Shoe brand Steve Madden has announced plans to cut its imports from China by up to 45% next year.

In a congratulatory message to Trump after his victory over Vice President Kamala Harris, Xi called on the United States and China to manage their differences and get along in a new era. In front of the cameras on Saturday, Xi spoke with Biden, but there was no doubt that his message was aimed at Trump.

“In a major and flourishing scientific and technological revolution, neither decoupling nor disrupting the supply chain is a solution,” Xi said. “Only mutual and beneficial cooperation can lead to common development. 'Small land, high fence' is not what a big country should pursue.”

After being greeted by Xi, Biden ignored shouted questions from reporters about his concerns about the new Trump administration as well as North Korea. The leaders also did not contact reporters after their brief comments at the start of the meeting.

Biden administration officials would brief the Trump team that managing intense competition with Beijing will likely be the most significant foreign policy challenge they face, White House national security adviser Jake said Sullivan.

Biden views his relationship with Xi as one of the most important on the international stage and is putting a lot of effort into cultivating it. The two men first became acquainted during trips through the United States and China while they were both vice presidents, interactions that they say left a lasting impression.

“For more than a decade, you and I have spent many hours together, here and in China and in between,” Biden said. “We spent a lot of time sorting out these issues.”

But the last four years have been marked by a series of difficult times.

The FBI this week offered new details about a federal investigation into the Chinese government's efforts to hack U.S. telecommunications networks. Initial findings revealed a “vast and significant” cyberespionage campaign aimed at stealing information from Americans who work in government and politics.

U.S. intelligence officials also assessed that China has increased its sales to Russia of machine tools, microelectronics and other technologies that Moscow uses to produce missiles, tanks, aircraft and other weapons intended to his war against Ukraine.

And tensions flared last year after Biden ordered the shooting down of a Chinese spy balloon that was passing through the United States.

Biden hopes Xi will step up Chinese engagement to prevent an already dangerous moment with North Korea from getting even worse.

Biden, South Korean President Yoon Seok Yul and Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba on Friday condemned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's decision to send thousands of troops to help Moscow repel Ukrainian forces that have seized the territory of the Russian border region of Kursk.

Biden called it a “dangerous and destabilizing cooperation.”

White House officials have expressed frustration with Beijing, which accounts for the vast majority of North Korea's trade, for not doing more to control Pyongyang.

The North Koreans have also supplied Russia with artillery and other munitions, according to U.S. and South Korean intelligence officials. And the United States, Japan and South Korea have expressed concern over Pyongyang's accelerated pace of ballistic missile testing.

Kim ordered test exercises in the run-up to this month's U.S. election and claims progress in efforts to boost strike capacity on the U.S. mainland.

Xi and Biden began their day at the APEC summit leaders' retreat, taking a photo where they all wore scarves made from vicuña wool, a symbolic animal for Peru. It is common for leaders of these gatherings to receive gifts of traditional clothing from the host country which they wear for the photo.




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