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Donald Trump Jr. hints at 'backup plans' if nominees aren't confirmed

Donald Trump Jr. hints at 'backup plans' if nominees aren't confirmed


President-elect Donald Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., indicated Sunday that his father's transition team is prepared to pursue other Cabinet nominees if their top picks do not make it through the U.S. Senate confirmation process , even if he remains convinced that they will succeed. .

The past week has proven difficult for the president-elect as he released a series of Cabinet nomination announcements, some of which sparked immediate backlash and controversy, such as his choice for Attorney General of the United States, former Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, and his choice for United States Attorney General, former Florida Representative Matt Gaetz. choice for Secretary of Defense, former Fox News host Pete Hegseth.

During his appearance on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, Trump Jr. said the Trump transition team had backup plans in case those nominees failed, noting that the team had ” lists of 10 or 12 people for each position” without providing any name.

“Look, there are always ideas, we have lists of people, we don't choose a name at random, we show him lists of 10 or 12 people for each position, so we have backup plans, but I think we obviously go with the strongest candidates first,” he said.

Trump Jr. added: “Some of them are going to be controversial, they're controversial because they'll actually move things forward. The Swamp doesn't want that, so we're going to pull out all the stops and make sure that these “People have the best chance of being confirmed, because they're the ones who are the most effective.”

The president-elect's eldest son said that when people “see this kind of reaction, usually, it's because it's a threat to the one-party system in Washington, D.C..”

He added: “They don't want to see any change. They want things to be business as usual. They don't want to be disrupted; that's their meal plan. That's their ticket.”

Newsweek reached out to the Trump transition team via email Sunday morning for comment.

Donald Trump Jr. speaks at Van Andel Arena on November 5 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Trump Jr., the eldest son of President-elect Donald Trump, indicated Sunday that his father's transition team is ready to… Donald Trump Jr. speaks at Van Andel Arena on Nov. 5 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Trump Jr., the eldest son of President-elect Donald Trump, indicated Sunday that his father's transition team is prepared to pursue other Cabinet nominees if their top picks do not make it through the U.S. Senate confirmation process , even if he remains convinced that they will succeed. More chips Somodevilla/Getty Images

Much of the reaction has focused on Hegseth and Gaetz, due to sexual assault allegations against Hegseth and the House Ethics Committee's report against Gaetz that investigated allegations of drug use and of sexual misconduct, including allegedly having sex with an underage girl.

Hegseth and Gaetz have vigorously denied any wrongdoing, but their appointments have already caused a stir due to a perceived lack of experience in the field they are about to take over or in leadership roles of a comparable nature to those they would assume as leaders. Secretary of Defense or Attorney General respectively.

However, other Trump nominees have also faced considerable backlash for similar reasons, such as Trump's choice for director of national intelligence, former Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who some have accused of being a “Russian agent” and a potential threat to national security due to his sympathetic views toward Russia in its ongoing war with Ukraine and his previous secret meetings with Syrian President Bashar al -Assad, an ally of Russia.

Trump's pick for Health and Human Services chief, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., also caused a stir because of his previous comments supporting vaccine skepticism and other vaccine conspiracies. health care. Others, like Dr. Mehmet Oz, hailed the appointment as a change of pace in addressing health care workers' issues of stress and work overload.

Trump Jr. stressed Sunday that his father's transition team saw this as “an incredible opportunity – maybe a once-in-a-generation opportunity – to really make a difference, in people, in minds, whether we wouldn't find any other way in government, frankly.”

He added: “It really is something epic, I can't wait to see it, and I just want to make sure that the rest of the cabinet around my father is able and willing to deliver that message and that promise to Americans.

The Senate is responsible for confirming nominations by majority vote. However, recess appointments, which occur when the Senate is not in session, allow appointees to bypass Senate confirmation hearings, thereby temporarily placing them in their positions.

New Senate Majority Leader John Thune of South Dakota suggested that recess appointments could be a potential strategy to pass Trump's Cabinet nominations.

“I think all options are on the table, including recess appointments. Hopefully we don't get to that point, but we'll know pretty quickly whether the Democrats want to play ball or not,” he said. he said Thursday during an interview. with Fox News.

The Associated Press, which cited the Congressional Research Service, reported that former President Barack Obama made 32 recess appointments, former President George W. Bush made 171 and former President Bill Clinton made 139 during the Senate recess.




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