COVID-19 Symptoms: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
When some schools across the country reopen, parents may be closer to their children than ever to monitor their signs. Coronavirus infection. Although fewer children are affected than adults, children sick with COVID-19 may develop other symptoms.
One of them Multisystem inflammatory syndromeIt can affect life-threatening organs and cause permanent damage or even death.
The United Kingdom was the first country to meet children with coronaviruses and severely inflamed organs in April 2020. Since then, health alert From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Issued to warn the international medical community.
Recently, on August 10, the Louisiana Department of Health reported that the deaths of four adolescents aged 2-19 were attributed to MIS-C. KATC-3 has been reported, And their deaths were a total of 44 cases reported to the agency.
What is a Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome?
Hundreds of cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children have been reported to the CDC since # COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Find out more about how this condition affects children and teens @CDCMMWR:
-CDC (@CDCgov) August 7, 2020
MIS-C, or multisystem inflammatory syndrome, is when certain organs, such as the heart, kidneys, brain, or skin, swell. Mayo Clinic..
of CDC Signs and symptoms of MIS-C include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal or neck pain, rash, red eyes, and unusual tiredness. There was also redness/swelling of the feet). ..
Doctors have also warned that it can be easy to confuse MIS-C with Kawasaki disease, which inflames and swells blood vessels throughout the child’s body, According to children nationwideThese children are usually 6 months to 8 years old.
How does MIS-C relate to COVID-19?
As children return to school, more patients will be seen> Elkin boy, 6 years old, diagnosed with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, positive for COVID-19 antibodies
Doctors say MIS-C is connected to COVID-19— Humanity First Group (@GroupHumanity) August 12, 2020
The exact link between why COVID-19 brings MIS-C to some children is unknown.
However, CDC said“We know that many children with MIS-C are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 or have been around COVID-19. MIS-C can be serious or fatal. Yes, but most children diagnosed with this condition have recovered from medical care.”
Scientists know that inflammation is one of the body’s natural immune reactions, so infections from COVID-19 can cause this reaction. According to inflammation Articles published in cancer research journalsProduces cytokines that are caused by white blood cells called white blood cells and cause inflammation.
According to today’s medical newsInflammation caused by the presence of the virus occurs as a result of accumulated plasma proteins and fluids, as well as enlarged small blood vessels. The larger size should allow white blood cells called neutrophils and plasma proteins to find the source of infection and eliminate it.
However, there is a downside to inflammation.
Excessive amounts in the tissues that surround and consist of vital organs can impair their function. For example, the cytokine storm-a cluster of severe inflammation- Linked For healthy people whose lungs are not functioning properly due to excessive inflammation. Similarly, all three types of heart inflammation, endocarditis, myocarditis, and pericarditis, can cause thrombosis, arrhythmias, and even heart failure. National Cardiopulmonary Institute..
In its report on the proportion of patients with both COVID-19 infections and MIS-C, the CDC reported:
As of July 29, a total of 570 US MIS-C patients meeting the case definition had been reported to the CDC. A total of 203 patients (35.6%) had a clinical course consistent with previously published MIS-C reports and were almost all characterized by shock, cardiac dysfunction, abdominal pain, and markedly elevated inflammatory markers. SARS-CoV- 2 test results in patients.
How can you protect your child?
Gaiden was accepted Azuki 8/5. Not only did his mother test positive for coronavirus, but he is now recovering from the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in his child. Azuki Says 40 MIS-C confirmed cases throughout the state @6abc
-Christie Ileto (@Christie_Ileto) August 11, 2020
According to the CDC, the best defense is Preventing your child from getting MIS-C is to prevent your child from getting the coronavirus. The CDC says it helps protect children by keeping them 6 feet away from each other, avoiding days of play, and covering their faces in very popular areas to protect them.
Mayo Clinic also advised Parents thoroughly clean and disinfect contact surfaces daily and wash clothes and toys.
If your child is infected with coronavirus and shows symptoms of MIS-C, CDC advises parents Doctors recommend that parents call the doctor immediately for further advice. CDC can also be found if the child has trouble waking up, or if the child has breathing problems, acute chest pain or pressure, severe stomach pain, signs of confusion, lips And if you lose your face, advise your parents to call 911 bluish.
Read the following: COVID-19: This is a symptom of infants and other children
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