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Covid-19 is currently the third leading cause of death in the United States. But the test to find and isolate cases has been discontinued


Tampa, Florida Funeral Home Director Prepares for Funeral of Man Who Died at Covid 19
Tampa, FL-August 12: Prepare a funeral by Marlon Warren, a male death row assistant who died at COVID-19 at the Ray Williams funeral home in Tampa, Florida, August 12, 2020. Jeffrey Rhodes, co-owner of Ray Williams Funeral Home, has increased funeral services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Business has increased to the point where funeral days and times need to be offset because of COVID-19,” Rhodes said. “Funeral is a front line that was forgotten when caring for loved ones during a pandemic. This is our new normal.” (Photo by Octavio Jones / Getty Images)

A virus that didn’t exist a year ago kills more Americans than Alzheimer’s, accidents, and diabetes.

The new coronavirus has more than 5.4 million Americans Killed over 170,000 people, According to data from Johns Hopkins University

In the past three weeks, the United States has averaged over 1,000 Covid-19 deaths per day.

“Covid is currently the third leading cause of death in the United States. It precedes accidents, injuries, lung diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and many other causes,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control. Control and prevention.

According to the CDC, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the United States.

According to Frieden, Covid-19 mortality rates are much higher in the United States than in many other countries.

“Last week, Americans were eight times more likely to be killed by Covid than Europeans,” he said.

Fewer tests = more infected people walking around

Health professionals are worried about anxiety as more and more students return to school: a combination of reduced testing and high test positive rates.

So while Covid-19 is still prevalent, there are fewer tests to find and isolate cases.

According to US data, the number of tests conducted daily in the US fell by an average of 68,000 compared to the daily tests in late July. Covid Tracking Project..

In Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, Washington, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska last week. By comparison, fewer tests were conducted in 15 states than last week.

However, the test positive rate-the percentage of tests that are positive-remains higher than the recommended 5%. In over 30 states, Johns Hopkins University data.

“The testing situation is not good in the US. What we don’t pick up is contagious people,” said Dr. William Haseltine, Chairman and President of ACCESS Health International.

“Perhaps eight out of ten people who are contagious are missing. And I’m worried about the decline in testing because it’s still not working. And you choose people who are contagious from the crowd. If not, then the epidemic will spread…. This epidemic is still widespread.”

Why are there few tests in some states?

Health professionals say there are several possible reasons.

“One of the reasons for the decline in testing is that the supplies aren’t shipping where they can be tested. I think that’s part of a strategy that doesn’t count how many people are infected,” Hasteltine said.

Another reason is that they are less willing to take the test More than a few days To get results. And Due to the significant delay, some tests can be “useless”.

Dr. Kent Sepowitz said he was worried that some states might have signaled President Donald Trump. “It looks bad.”

Sepkowitz said that several states that advertised a reduction in the number of cases Also, some test positive rates were highest — An indicator that the virus is widespread.

“Thus, even if rates are deteriorating, many states have decided to reduce efforts to find cases.” He wrote.. “As a result, the less visible they are, the fewer cases they have found, and indeed, the fewer cases are.”

Governor of Florida pitches success

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said the test positive rate has fallen for the sixth straight week.

He added that the number of patients hospitalized for coronavirus peaked on July 22 and fell by nearly 40%. Since July 18, the number of ICU patients has decreased by 30%.

DeSantis said he believes the downward trend across the state is permanent. “We will continue to work hard to see these good trends.”

One of the steps the country took to slow the number of cases was to close the bar in late June.

Halsey Beshears, Florida’s top business regulator, is considering feedback and ideas from his meeting with bar and brewery owners across the state, but has not set a bar resumption timeline. Business and professional regulation.

“It’s uncertain when it will come back, but Secretary Bechers understands the urgency propelled by employers at recent meetings,” Smith said.

Lack of minority volunteers could delay vaccine

Medical professionals Hope the vaccine will be publicly available in 2021, The researchers ran into problems: not enough Black and Latino volunteers have signed up for a clinical trial.

Of the 350,000 people registered online, 10% are black or Latino. Covid-19 prevention network..

That is hardly enough, as trial participants are supposed to reflect the affected population. Studies show that more than half of Covid-19 cases in the United States occur between blacks and Latinos.

A lot of distrust It comes from the history of medical atrocities against minorities. From 1932 to 1972, black men Study of Tuskegee Syphilis No penicillin was provided to treat their illness without their knowledge or consent.

1800s, J. Dr. Marion Sims experimented with slaves and operated without anesthesia without consent.

And from the 1940s to the 1970s, researchers in some studies exposed hundreds of subjects, primarily blacks. Against dangerous doses of radiation..

Health authorities Seeking the trust of the minority community We are recruiting more diverse volunteers for Phase 3 coronavirus vaccine trials.

So far, Phases 1 and 2 have shown that the vaccine is safe. Some volunteers experienced fever and muscle aches, but felt better after a day or two.

Fast and cheap test got urgent approval

Here are some good news. Whether you have Covid-19, and if you need to isolate it to prevent spread, the new saliva test can give Americans a quick way to learn.

Researchers at Yale School of Public Health SalivaDirect testI received an emergency license from the Food and Drug Administration on Saturday.

“If cheap alternatives like SalivaDirect could be implemented across the country, it might be possible to manage the outbreak even before the vaccine is introduced,” said Nathan Gourbeau, assistant professor of epidemiology at Yale University. ..

Unlike some other tests What needs a special supplyThe SalivaDirect test does not require a specific swab or collection device. It can also be used with reagents from multiple vendors.

“Since we have simplified the test, we expect the reagents to cost only a few dollars and the lab to charge about $10 per sample,” says Grubaugh.

Researchers say the new test can deliver results in less than 3 hours, with accuracy comparable to traditional nasal swab results. They said the SalivaDirect test may be publicly available In the coming weeks..

“We have to break through to the youth.”

Shortly after the classroom reopened, thousands of students Must stay at home and be isolated After the coronavirus cluster at their school.

Health professionals urge young Americans to take precautions seriously. CDC He said Covid-19 cases in children were “steadily increasing” from March to July.

“Recent evidence suggests that children have the same or greater viral load in the nasopharynx as adults and can spread the virus effectively at home and in the camp,” says the CDC.

Outbreaks have also occurred in colleges and universities.

Oklahoma State University said on Sunday that at least 23 female student members of off-campus homes tested positive for the virus. The entire house has been or has been isolated, “leaving the facility is prohibited,” the university said.

Within a week of starting the class, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Fourth cluster of coronaviruses.. The cluster was placed in two residence halls, a private apartment servicing students and Sigma New Fraternity.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services defines a cluster as five or more cases in close proximity. As of Monday morning, 177 students were quarantined on and off campus and 349 were quarantined. About 30,000 students attend college.

The school is currently moving to online learning.



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