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Michigan Coronavirus: 799 confirmed cases and 21 deaths reported on Saturday. Coronavirus


Michigan reported 799 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 21 confirmed deaths from the virus on Saturday, According to the website..

This resulted in 101,478 confirmed cases and 6,467 confirmed deaths, surpassing 101,000 confirmed cases in just two days.

The state had a reporting delay on Saturday with updates on total possible cases, test counts, and counts by county. These numbers are not by 6pm

However, the overall figures were updated by 3 pm.

Possible cases include individuals who are not virus positive but who are presumed infected due to symptoms and previous exposure.

Similarly, the likelihood of death is defined as the death certificate listing COVID-19 as a serious condition that causes or contributes to death.

The state also added seven newly confirmed deaths reported on Saturday from a regular review of death certificate data maintained by the MDHHS staff’s vital record reporting system, which runs three times a week. Was said to have been done.

These systems compare records in which COVID-19 was identified as the cause of death with cases of disease identified by all tests in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS).

If the death certificate matches a confirmed case, but the MDSS record does not indicate an individual’s death, the record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is contacted.

That’s how Saturday’s total of 7 deaths were added.

As of Friday last week, a total of 76,151 Michigan recovered from COVID-19 (30 days after onset). The total is updated every Saturday by the state.

Average and sum

On Saturday, the average of 7 days was 782 confirmed and 8 dead.

The 7-day total was 58 newly confirmed deaths with the addition of 5,474 newly confirmed cases.

This month’s average is approximately 686, with 9 deaths, for a total of 19,879 confirmed and 252 confirmed deaths this month.

The number in August is higher than the sum of both June and July cases, with 6,473 new confirmed cases added in June and 17,751 new confirmed cases added in July.

The total confirmed cases added in August was about 304.1% of the total cases added in June and about 112% of all cases added in July.

The 10,536 confirmed cases cited in August were reported in the first half of August 1-15, with an additional 6,436 cases from January 15 in the first half of July.

By comparison, the total number of confirmed cases added in the first half of August was 235.8% of the total number of confirmed cases added in the first half of July.

So far, 9,343 confirmed cases have been reported in the second half of the month, but in the latter half of July, an additional 9,690 cases were reported from July 16th to 31st. ..

The number of confirmed cases added in the second half of the month is approximately 96.4% of the cases added in the second half of July.

Illness according to the situation

As of Friday, According to the data accumulated by the New York Times, Louisiana is always at the top of the list of coronavirus cases with the highest number of other states, with Florida, Arizona, Mississippi, and Alabama in the top five.

The highest-ranked 38th place in history is Michigan, or 36th, discounting Washington DC and Guam in the United States. Minnesota and New Mexico preceded, followed by Kentucky.

Guam remains #1 in the ranking of most cases of coronavirus over the last 7 days and is also known as the current standings. But discounting it because it’s US territory, Iowa took the first place.

North Dakota, South Dakota, Alabama, and Mississippi are among the top five states in the current ranking.

Michigan is 34th or 31st in the ranking, discounting the US region, followed by Montana, Virginia, and Utah, followed by Alaska.

New Jersey maintains the highest record-breaking virus death rate in the country, followed by New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Louisiana in the top five states.

Michigan ranks 10th in this ranking, or Washington DC in 9th, followed by Mississippi and Arizona, followed by Illinois.

Mississippi ranks first in the ranking for virus deaths over the last seven days, followed by Luciana, Georgia, Texas, and Arizona in the top five.

Michigan ranks 38th, or 35th, in the US territory, with Hawaii, Oregon, and Alaska leading, followed by Wisconsin.

According to the data accumulated by John Hopkins UniversityWorldwide, the United States remains the top list of most worldwide cases and deaths on Saturday, with Brazil second.

The United States reported 5,948,186 confirmed cases and 182,518 confirmed deaths on Saturday, while Brazil had 3,804,803 confirmed cases and 119,504 confirmed deaths.

India, Russia and Peru fill the 3rd to 5th spots in most cases in the world, while Mexico, India and the United Kingdom respectively occupy the 3rd to 5th spots of the most dead in the world.

Johns Hopkins reports that there are 24,826,930 confirmed cases and 839,068 confirmed deaths on Saturday worldwide.

On Saturday, the Federal Reserve tried to decide whether to expand its emergency lending program to include SMEs by allowing companies to offer assets such as commercial real estate as collateral.

This will definitely provide aid to those businesses, but the Fed is worried that this may pose more risk to governments and taxpayers. However, enacting the bill is under pressure from parliamentarians.

In a statement from the Associated Press on Saturday’s Republican National Convention, President Trump, in approving the party’s re-election to president, sets out federal guidelines on avoiding the crowd and wearing masks to fight the spread of the virus. I ignored it.

Instead, the president used the White House’s South Lawn in the background to accept the nomination, and about 1,500 people gathered without masks or took little social distance to hear Trump’s remarks, According to Business Insider..

Washington >> President Donald Trump refused to allow Coronavirus to deny him the coveted crowd for a Republican monastery…

Worldwide, Tour de France began on Saturday in Nice, France, after being delayed by a coronavirus pandemic.

The riders embarked on the anti-COVID-19 protocol bubble, the fans steadily extended their arms and many were told to stay at home and watch the race on TV.

It was celebrated by Norwegian rider Alexander Kristoff winning the first stage and fisting his teammates, probably due to a virus.

NICE, FRANCE (AP)—A weird Tour de France, which has been late but surviving on French roads again, started Saturday in an anti-Covid protocol bubble and infected 176 riders for three weeks. I did not let it. The worsening epidemic of the country.

On Saturday, small businesses in Michigan, near their homes and in college towns such as Ann Arbor, struggled to meet their bottom line returns without returning college students.

So far, the University of Michigan is trying to stick to a plan to pack students into dormitories while off-campus students move to high-rise apartments or single-family homes. However, some schools have chosen to reverse courses and move classes online due to outbreaks related to student housing and parties.

Ann Arbor >> Perry Policos sat outside the street, one of the five businesses, in a makeshift patio area that did not exist before C.

Speaking of returning to school, Flint Community School reported that students skipped online classes after the school opened on Wednesday, August 5th.

The district reported a decrease in 2,000 of its 3,800 students this year, but by dialing home, it was possible to track approximately 1,200 of those students.

FLINT >> In a school district in Michigan, a staff member visited to track students who are not onlin…

In Rochester and Rochester Hills, Holy Family Regional Schools held their first full day on Wednesday 27th August, with most local private schools starting the same week.

Public schools will resume on Monday or the day following Labor Day.

The first day of the Holy Family Regional School was Wednesday, August 27. The Catholic School has two campuses, Rochester and Rock.

Finally, the city of Detroit moved on Saturday to build a monument in honor of the people who died in the pandemic and is calling for about 400 volunteers to help build it in Bell Isle.

The viral complications have killed more than 1,500 people in Detroit.

Detroit >> The city of Detroit is recruiting about 400 volunteers and will register to the Memorial Hall in honor of the deceased residents to help…


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