Link to COVID-19 Preterm Birth
- To better understand how the coronavirus affects pregnancy, researchers examined nearly 600 in-hospital pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Of the 445 births assessed during the survey, 12.6% were preterm.
- Researchers hope that this finding raises awareness of the complications that COVID-19 can cause in pregnant people.
According to this study, pregnant women have a 25% higher risk of preterm birth than the average person. The risk also seems to be about three times higher than those with symptoms.
Researchers have also investigated miscarriage and stillbirth, and while a small proportion of pregnant women experience stillbirth, the pregnancy loss rate in people with COVID-19 may be underestimated. I found that.
More research is needed to see and better understand how COVID-19 affects the body during pregnancy, but experts are concerned with the widespread association of complications with the disease. I suspect that I am doing it.
“Systemic diseases, especially those associated with pneumonia, systemic inflammation, hypoxic stress, and an increase in the body’s immune system, put a great deal of stress on the circulation to the uterus and promote fetal metabolism. It may be enough to kill an infected pregnancy. ” Dr. Brian Oscilloscope, Specialist and Vice-Chair of Maternal Fetal Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) Riverside University Health System..
To better understand how COVID-19 affects pregnancy, researchers examined nearly 600 in-hospital pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19.
Over 20 percent of women had at least one basic health condition, most commonly asthma and high blood pressure.
Hospitalization rates were also higher for Hispanic and black pregnant women, highlighted by the imbalance of COVID-19 among these communities.
More than half (55%) of women were asymptomatic.
Approximately 16% were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), 8% required a ventilator, and 1% (two symptomatic women) died.
Both symptomatic and asymptomatic, 2% experienced a loss of pregnancy. According to the CDC, that number may be underreported.
Of the 445 births assessed during the survey, 12.6% were preterm births. This is about 25% higher than the preterm birth rate reported in the general population.
The risk of preterm birth appeared to be almost three times higher in pregnant women with COVID-19 symptoms.
“This information really emphasizes what we already know. Infections during pregnancy increase the risk of pregnancy complications and preterm birth,” he said. Dr. Catherine Campbell, Yale Medical Maternal and Fetal Medicine Doctor and Obstetrician.
Researchers are becoming more aware of the complications that COVID-19 can cause in pregnant people and adopt more safety measures to help doctors protect pregnant people and newborns. Researchers hope to help
Doctors continue to work to understand how COVID-19 affects the body of pregnant people, but experts say that inflammation caused by the disease can cause pregnancy complications. I believe there is.
Previous studies have suggested that coronaviruses are usually not transmitted from mother to fetus in utero, according to Campbell.
When a person is infected with a virus, the immune system activates to fight the virus.
Campbell explains that this immune response often causes widespread inflammation in the body, which is known to be a risk factor for preterm birth and labor.
“Therefore, if a person has COVID-19, the systemic inflammation that occurs when the body fights the infection is also a risk factor for preterm birth and childbirth,” Campbell said.
Caring for pregnant people in hospital with severe COVID-19 is also a challenge.
Most pregnant people with COVID-19 recover and are usually able to enter labor and childbirth, but some may require additional medical support.
“For some infections, the fetus can struggle to survive, especially if the mother has difficulty breathing and maintaining normal vital signs, so childbirth is a life-saving measure,” Campbell said. Said.
According to Oshiro, the study included a limited number of pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19, so further understanding of the link between COVID-19 and pregnancy complications such as stillbirth is possible. Much research is needed.
“Stillbirth is a rare event, so many patients are needed to make a definitive statement about stillbirth and COVID,” said Oshiro.
Keep in mind that many people who are pregnant and have COVID-19 are asymptomatic.
After seeing nearly 40 pregnant women with COVID-19, Oshiro said most were asymptomatic, two were hospitalized for pneumonia and one was hospitalized in the ICU with severe conditions. None of the group experienced stillbirth or premature birth.
“I’m not in a hurry, but most of the time I reassure women that they and their babies are fine. That said, if you have any concerns, call your healthcare provider with great care. You shouldn’t go to the hospital or go to the hospital. ”
Campbell also wants pregnant women to understand that only a small percentage of people develop serious illnesses. Most will recover safely without any problems.
“I provide peace of mind because most pregnant women infected with COVID-19 are more likely to have a mild or asymptomatic infection,” she said, doing all the exercises. Pointed out that it is still important Safety precautions..
If you are pregnant, you should keep a social distance, wear a face mask, and wash your hands frequently.
Avoid groups of people and, if possible, limit errands.
Campbell recommends keeping a distance from others as the weather gets colder and holidays arrive.
“Pregnant women are more susceptible to some complications associated with cases with COVID-19 symptoms and may stay at a social distance and continue to wear masks preferentially during vacations. It should be noted that there is, “Campbell said.
It is also important to consult your doctor if you experience respiratory distress or symptoms along with COVID-19.
Influenza vaccination is also essential. This helps pregnant people reduce their chances of getting infected and keep their immune system strong.
People who live with their partners, family members, or pregnant people also need to be vaccinated against the flu.
Oshiro also reminds his parents that the hospital remains very safe during the pandemic.
“Hospitals are very safe and with the safety measures introduced in hospitals today, there is little risk of patients getting a COVID there,” said Oshiro.
People are more likely to get the virus during a community or rally, so they need to keep playing the virus safely.
A new study from the CDC suggests that COVID-19 is associated with preterm birth.
Health professionals need more data to check the links and understand how the disease affects pregnant women.
Because inflammation is known as a risk factor for preterm birth, some suspect complications are associated with widespread inflammation caused by COVID-19.
Pregnant people should wear masks, wash their hands, and maintain social distance during the pandemic.
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