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Some areas are alerting as the United States reports most COVID-19 daily cases in almost two months.

Some areas are alerting as the United States reports most COVID-19 daily cases in almost two months.


Video above: Wisconsin field hospital activated for coronavirus patients Americans do not take appropriate precautions, as the United States reported the highest daily COVID-19 infections in almost two months In that case, some experts gave a harsh outlook. A total of 57,420 new coronavirus-positive cases occurred in the United States on Friday at Johns Hopkins University. This is the most reported case of the day since August 14, with 64,601 new cases. The 57,420 Friday surge has reported more than 50,000 cases in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins for the third consecutive day. It was also in mid-August that the United States reported more than 50,000 cases for three consecutive days. Florida, which became a national hotspot this summer, “is ripe for another major outbreak,” an infectious disease expert told CNN. Last month, the state paved the way for bars and restaurants to fully reopen, reporting more than 6,000 cases this week in two days. “What they did opens up everything as if nothing happened there. Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota Infectious Diseases Research Policy Center, told CNN on Friday. I’m probably eight weeks to ten. We can talk in a week and Florida will be a home of fire. ” Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, also warned of “early suggestions” for vigilant trends in the northeast, taking action before the virus reoccurs and preventing its spread. I urged the residents to help. In New Jersey, authorities are monitoring some concerns after the governor said he had begun to look at “cool” numbers. And in New York, several cluster areas urged Governor Andrew Cuomo to impose strict restrictions on areas with a high orthodox Jewish community, causing protests and criticism from some local leaders. As of October 8, the moving average of new cases per million in the northeast increased by 91% from September 8, according to Johns Hopkins data. Throughout the United States, 28 states (mainly scattered in the Midwest and Northeast) have reported more new cases than last week, according to Johns Hopkins. Only two states, Maine and Nebraska, report a decline. I am worried about the nationwide vigilance tendency. Trends Recorded Nationwide At least 22 states reported more than 1,000 new cases on Thursday. In addition, the average daily number of cases in the country (currently over 46,000) has surged 12% from the previous week. Hospitalization is also increasing. Of particular concern are Wisconsin statistics, which recently reported the highest number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths per day. After issuing an urgent order to limit the rally, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers announced that the state was “a” miserable place “and a field hospital that would open next week to accommodate the surge in patients. “We are at stake now and need to change our behavior immediately to save lives,” he told residents earlier this week. Related Video: Green Bay, Wisconsin is a hotspot for COVID-19, but other states are not far behind. Lieutenant Spencer Cox of Utah said hospitalization rates have “surged” this week and “beginning to strain the healthcare system.” “Health officials warn that things could get worse as winter approaches and the COVID-19 pandemic builds up against the flu season, as predicted by the University of Washington Institute for Health Index Evaluation. By January, more than 2,900 Americans have died daily. According to John’s Hopkins, the latest ensemble forecast by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention could reach 233,000 deaths in the United States by the end of the month. More than 213,000 Americans have died from the flu since the onset of the pandemic. CDC: Young adults can spark hotspots, while CDC researchers say young adults Researchers say the percentage of positive COVID-19 tests was about a month before the county was designated as a hotspot, saying it could be a spark that could cause new hotspots for COVID-19. 25 years old. Researchers write that the positive rate for older people increased, following the positive rate for younger people. Other experts said earlier that this could happen during the summer. Birx said there is a “household” epidemic in some parts of the country. Young people became infected with the virus and unknowingly took it back to their parents (often because they may be mild or asymptomatic), and the parents passed the virus. With a Thanksgiving-like holiday approaching, Birx urges residents to stay vigilant on Friday and remain diligent in encouraging returning college students to take health precautions and encourage communities. Said it was important. Do the same.

Video above: Wisconsin field hospital activated for coronavirus patients

As the United States reported the highest number of daily COVID-19 infections in almost two months, some experts gave a harsh outlook if Americans did not take appropriate precautions.

Johns Hopkins University reported a total of 57,420 new positive cases of coronavirus in the United States on Friday.

The data show that this is the most reported case of the day since August 14, with 64,601 new cases.

According to Johns Hopkins, Friday’s 57,420 surge is the third consecutive day of more than 50,000 cases reported in the United States. It was also in mid-August that the United States reported more than 50,000 cases for the third consecutive day.

Infectious disease experts told CNN that Florida, which became a national hotspot in the summer, is “ripe for another outbreak.”

At the end of last month, the state paved the way for the full reopening of bars and restaurants, with more than 6,000 cases reported this week in two days.

“What they did was open everything up as if nothing had happened there, you and I could probably talk in 8-10 weeks, and Florida would be the House of Fire,” Michael Oster said. Osterholm said. The director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy told CNN on Friday.

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, also warned on Friday of an “early proposal” for a vigilant trend in the northeast, taking action before the virus reoccurs and preventing its spread. I urged the residents to help.

“This action must be done at the individual level, not only in public places, but in our private homes,” she said.

In New Jersey, authorities are monitoring some concerns after the governor says the state is beginning to see “cool” numbers. And in New York, several cluster areas urged Governor Andrew Cuomo to impose strict restrictions on areas with a high orthodox Jewish community, causing protests and criticism from some local leaders.

As of October 8, the moving average of new cases per million in the northeast increased by 91% from September 8, according to Johns Hopkins data. Throughout the United States, 28 states (mainly scattered in the Midwest and Northeast) have reported more new cases than last week, according to Johns Hopkins.

Only two states, Maine and Nebraska, report a decline.

Worrying trends across the country

Concerns have been recorded nationwide At least 22 states reported more than 1,000 new cases on Thursday. In addition, the average daily number of cases in the country (currently over 46,000) has surged 12% from the previous week.

Hospitalization is also increasing. Of particular concern are Wisconsin statistics, which recently reported the highest number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths per day.

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers warned that the state was in a “disastrous place” after issuing an urgent order to limit the rally, and announced that a field hospital would open next week to handle the surge in patients.

“We are at stake now and we need to change our behavior immediately to save lives,” he told residents earlier this week.

RUplifting Video: Green Bay, Wisconsin is a COVID-19 Hotspot

But other states aren’t too far behind — Lieutenant Governor of Utah Spencer Cox Say this week The hospitalization rate “surged” and “began to burden the health care system.”

Health officials warn that things could get worse as winter approaches and the COVID-19 pandemic opposes the flu season. projections By January, more than 2,900 Americans have died daily, according to the Institute for Health Metrics at the University of Washington.And the latest US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ensemble forecasts show that the death toll in the United States could reach 233,000 By the end of the month.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 213,000 Americans have died from the virus. Johns Hopkins.

CDC: Young adults may ignite hotspots

Meanwhile, CDC researchers say young adults may be the spark that causes new hotspots for COVID-19.

Researchers found that the proportion of positive COVID-19 test results began to rise among people under the age of 25, about a month before the county was designated as a hotspot.

Researchers say that the positive rate for older people increased, following the positive rate for young people.

Other experts have previously said it could happen. During the summer, Birx said there was a growing “home” in some parts of the country. Young people became infected with the virus and unknowingly (often mild or asymptomatic) took it back to their parents, who became infected with the virus. To other members of the family and community.

With a Thanksgiving-like holiday approaching, Burkes urges residents to stay vigilant on Friday, encouraging returning college students to take health precautions and encourage the community to do the same. He said it was important to remain diligent.


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