Judge dismisses ‘Leaving Neverland’ accuser trial
One of Michael Jackson’s accusers in the documentary “Leaving Neverland” suffered a legal loss this week when a judge launched his case against the pop star’s companies.
James Safechuck, who appeared in HBO’s explosive documentary, is pursuing a separate prosecution of fellow “Neverland” accuser Wade Robson. The pair won an appeal in California earlier this year to bring Jackson’s businesses to a civil lawsuit.
But on Tuesday, Los Angeles judge Mark A. Young dismissed Safechuck’s lawsuit, saying his attorneys had failed to prove that Jackson’s companies, MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures, owed a fiduciary duty to him as a child working for the pop star, and that there was also no special relationship between the two. The judge also ruled that there was no evidence that Jackson’s businesses then run by the star had the ability to control or discipline Jackson.
Safechuck’s lawsuit alleges Jackson abused him hundreds of times in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and claims that “the thinly veiled and secret second objective of (Jackson’s) companies was to operate as a child sexual abuse operation, specifically designed to locate, attract, attract and seduce child victims of sexual abuse. “
Jackson’s estate attorneys, family members, and administrators at his estate, which owns Jackson’s companies, have vehemently denied the allegations made against him by Robson and Safechuck, which they have repeatedly called liars. The domain also sued HBO for broadcasting “Leaving Neverland.”
Safechuck’s attorney Vince Finaldi said on Wednesday they would appeal.
We are appealing this decision because we believe it ignores well-established California law and would set a dangerous precedent that leaves children unprotected, “Finaldi said in a statement to USA TODAY.” The idea that these companies had no obligation to protect Mr Safechuck, who was a young boy working for them in the days of a known pedophile, attempts to reverse decades of abuse rulings and statutes sex on children.
Jackson’s estate attorneys Howard Weitzman and Jonathan Steinsapir said in a statement to USA TODAY on Wednesday that they were “pleased the court dismissed the case against Mr. Safechuck saying he had no grounds to continue his legal action “.
Meanwhile,Deadline reports that “Neverland” director Dan Reedis is embroiled in a legal row with the Jacksons companies as he attempts to shoot a sequel.
But on Wednesday, Weitzman and Steinsapir told USA TODAY in a statement that “there is no lawsuit around him. Time will tell if Reed is making a follow-up film. One of those cases was closed today.” hui.
A January ruling overturned lower court rulings that found Safechuck and Robson waited too long to sue MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures under then-current state law. Both were adults when they filed their lawsuits in 2013 and 2014, years after Jackson allegedly abused them.
The statute of limitations covering civil child sexual abuse lawsuits was recently changed in California following the #MeToo movement, allowing people with such allegations to sue until the age of 40 (instead of 26).
The Robsons case will go to trial in June 2021.
Contributor: Maria Puente
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