10 movie actors who married their co-stars
It’s no surprise that when actors work on movie sets for long periods of time, they get closer to each other. And when romance is involved onscreen, it sometimes translates offscreen as well, although it doesn’t just happen in romantic movies.
At best, these are two single people who become romantically linked. But it’s not always the case. Sometimes romance sets in when one or both parties are already in a relationship with other people. There have been many times these budding romances have led to marriage, some of which have stood the test of time while others have since ended.
ten Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan (step up)
Now a superstar thanks to roles in films like Magic Mikean and21 Jump StreetChanning Tatum recently had a relationship with English singer Jessie J, although it is not known whether this relationship is still intact. But before that, he was married to actor Jenna Dewan, with whom he shares a daughter.
The couple met on the set of the film Intensify in 2006, which was all about the dancers, an area that both actors have experience with. Three years later, they got married. The marriage lasted nine years, but they separated in 2018.
9 Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise (Days of Thunder)
This pair while filming Days of thunderin 1989 he adopted two children, his daughter Isabella and his son Connor. The two also went on to become big Hollywood stars, with Kidman starring in a variety of movies and TV series and Cruise becoming one of the biggest celebrities of the ’90s.
The marriage lasted for many years, and for a long time they were one of Hollywood’s most influential power couples. But in 2001, they broke up. Kidman met several musicians before marrying country star Keith Urban in 2006, with whom she remains to this day. Cruise, meanwhile, met actress Katie Homes, whom he later married and had his first biological child.
8 Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz (Dream House)
When Craig and Weisz worked together on the set of the movie Dream house, a love has blossomed. They did not meet on set, although they had been friends for many years before. But something clicked and they decided to make things romantic. They got married pretty quickly afterwards in a small ceremony.
The two each have a child from a previous relationship and in 2018, had their first child together. Right before their meeting, Weisz was dating filmmaker and producer Darren Aronofsky while Craig was engaged to film producer Satsuki Mitchell.
7 Warren Beatty and Annette Bening (Bugsy)
Acclaimed actor Warren Beatty was a man known to women in his youth. He dated everyone from Madonna to Diane Keatonto to Julie Christie. Singer Carly Simon has even confirmed that a verse from her iconic song, “You’re So Vain”, was written on Beatty. But when he met Bening as they were preparing together for their roles in Bugsy, it seems that Beatty has found his soul mate, despite their 20-year age difference.
They married in 1992 and the couple have four children together. They are apparently still very much in love almost 30 years later.
6 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor (Cleopatra)
Burton married five times and Taylor eight, counting they were married twice. Their love story is often considered the one that started the concept of fan curiosity in the love lives of their favorite movie stars.
During filming Cleopatra together in Italy, Taylor and Burton began a steamy affair, as they were both married to other people at the time. The paparazzi managed to snap a photo of them on a yacht and this moment ushered in an entirely new era where celebrities were no longer able to keep their privacy private. They finally divorced in 1974, remarrying a year later and divorcing again a year later.
5 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
It was one of the most high-profile relationships around the time Jolie and Pitt reportedly loved each other while filming this movie. It was scandalous because Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. Jolie maintained that while she fell in love with Pitt during the filming of the movie, they didn’t cheat Pitt may still have been legally married to Aniston, but the couple had definitely separated by the time Jolie and Pitt were officially involved, according to Pretty one.
That said, they definitely moved quickly because just over a year later Jolie was pregnant with her child. They went on to have a 12 year relationship where they were considered one of Hollywood’s leading power couples and were given the nickname “Brangelina”. Together, they had six children in total, three of whom were adopted. They officially got married in 2014, but separated two years later.
4 Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner (Daredevil)
Jennifer lopez said it was media attention surrounding her relationship with Ben Affleck who played the biggest part in their romance collapsing. But then Affleck became “Bennifer” with another Jennifer: Jennifer Garner.
The couple technically met for the first time on the set of Pearl Harbor in 2001, but it was really working together Daredevil that they started a romance. They married a few years later and had three children together. However, they separated in 2015 and divorced in 2017, which Affleck would later call “the greatest regret of [his] life.“
3 Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender (The light between the oceans)
While filming this movie in 2014, the couple fell in love, ironically after playing a married couple in the movie. However, they didn’t show their romance publicly until 2016, after the film was officially released.
The Swedish actress, who has an Oscar to her name for her role in Danish girl, married the Irish-German actor and racing driver in 2017. They remain married and currently live together in Portugal.
2 Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth (The Last Song)
It was young love at its best. The couple, only 17-year-old Cyrus and 19-year-old Hemsworth, met on set The last songin 2009 and it seemed to be fate. They dated for a while before they went their separate ways, then reunited again. Cyrus even wrote a song about their reconciliation.
But it wasn’t to be at the end, and although they officially tied the knot in 2018, they broke up less than a year later.
1 Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy (evening)
During filming Eveningin 2006, the veteran actors apparently had the chemistry offscreen. They married in 2009 and three years later they had a child together. In 2018, they had their second child.
Despite this being Dancy’s first high profile relationship, Danes was previously involved in a somewhat outrageous celebrity couple. She dated Billy Crudup in 2003, and their romance would have led to his breakup with Mary-Louise Parker, who was pregnant with her child at the time.
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