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Studies have found that prion disease, which destroys the brain, is becoming more common.

Studies have found that prion disease, which destroys the brain, is becoming more common.


An image of a human brain tissue specimen under a microscope. You will see obvious spongy holes caused by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

An image of a human brain tissue specimen under a microscope.It display Apparent spongy holes caused by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
image: Sherif Zaki, Wun-Ju Shieh / CDC

New research from Japan suggests that rare brain-destroying diseases caused by illicit prion proteins may be becoming more common-probably due to the aging of the population.

the study, Release In last month’s journal Scientific Reports, the Japanese government started in 2005 2014 Residents over 50 A person diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). During those years, studies found that the average incidence of CJD increased by 6.4 percent each year. This increase was most pronounced among people over the age of 70, but the pattern was maintained even when researchers explained the age.

“Our study found that between 2005 and 2014, the absolute numbers of CJD-related mortality, mortality, and incidence increased in Japan even after age adjustment.” They write.

Prion diseases such as CJD are caused by accidentally folded forms that are naturally present in the brain and are thought to be harmless prion proteins. These whimsical proteins have the mysterious ability to transform other normal prions to fold like them. Can be seen because of the victim Afterlife brain.Symptoms such as dementia and dementia Loss of muscle control may not appear for years Decades, Depending on prion disease, once you die Continue soon.. To date, there is no cure available for prion disease, with a case fatality rate of 100% at the onset of symptoms.

Some prion diseases are transmitted between humans or from animal to human.The person will be infected later Exposed to prion-contaminated brain or organ tissue (including via) cannibalism). Others are hereditary, which is caused by genetic mutations that increase the likelihood that bad prions will appear at some undetermined point in your life.However, in most cases prions appear to appear for no apparent reason, called sporadic prion disease... There are all three forms of CJD, but sporadic CJD is the most common version, accounting for 85% of cases. Whatever the form, CJD is the most prevalent prion disease in people.

In most cases of CJD, there is no single cause, but age is considered to be an important risk factor. And this current study is not the first to reveal a clear increase in age-related CJD. Other studies have shown similar trends in many countries, including: America..But Japan Known It has the largest elderly population in the world, with over 20% of people aged 65 and over. So the age-related link to CJD looks like this: It becomes even more prominent there — the fate that researchers are naturally concerned about.

That said, CJD and all prion disease remain. rare.. For example, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 511 Americans were diagnosed with CJD in 2017. But these mysterious illnesses may most cruelly remind us of the stress of an aging population in both Japan and other countries. Other causes of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, are: Be expected Incidence may increase over the next few years, especially in areas where the incidence of other chronic illnesses in older Americans, such as the United States, is also increasing. with time.

The authors warn that CJD and other forms of dementia will affect not only those who develop them, but also families and other caregivers who struggle to provide their care. There is. It is these serious socio-economics that “draw the attention of policy makers and emphasize the need for mitigation action plans that focus specifically on preparations to address the increasing prevalence of dementia.” They wrote that it was a burden.


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