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Coronavirus patients taking aspirin are “47% less likely to die”

Coronavirus patients taking aspirin are “47% less likely to die”


Researchers claim that coronavirus patients taking aspirin are “47% less likely to die” than patients not taking painkillers.

Low-dose pills can also reduce a patient’s chances of being admitted to an intensive care unit or ventilator by more than 40 percent.

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Experts have revealed that aspirin may be beneficial to Covid patients


Experts have revealed that aspirin may be beneficial to Covid patients Credits: Getty-Contributors

Experts at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) examined the health records of 412 coronavirus patients.

The patient was being treated for the virus at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore and three other hospitals along the east coast of the United States.

Studies published in the journal Anesthesia and analgesia It was found that about a quarter of patients were taking low doses of aspirin before or shortly after admission.

The patient was taking painkillers to control cardiovascular disease.

Experts led by Dr. Jonathan Chow, an assistant professor of anesthesiology at UMSOM, found that participants who took aspirin were 47% less likely to die from the virus in the hospital than those who did not. I found that.

The study also found that people taking aspirin daily had a 43% lower risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit.

The graph above shows hospital survival rates for patients who took aspirin and those who did not.


The graph above shows hospital survival rates for patients who took aspirin and those who did not.Credits: University of Maryland School of Medicine

It also reduced the risk of patients wearing a ventilator by 44%.

Dr. Chow said the results of the study need to be confirmed through randomized clinical trials.

“If our findings are confirmed, aspirin will be the first widely available over-the-counter drug to reduce mortality in Covid-19 patients,” he added.

The researchers added that there was no difference between patients who belonged to the aspirin group and those who did not with regard to side effects of the drug, such as bleeding.

Scientists are still trying to find a vaccine for the virus, and yesterday it was revealed that an inventory of vaccines could be delivered to London hospital soon next week..

Patients diagnosed with Covid-19 are advised to consider taking aspirin daily, as long as they first check with their doctor.

Dr. Michael Mazzefy

However, this is only deployed to a small number of people, and the development of aspirin can sit side by side with treatments such as: Dexamethasone As a treatment for the patient.

COVID Is a disease that attacks the lungs and can also increase the risk of dangerous blood clots.

These blood clots can form in the blood vessels, lungs, and heart, which can be fatal to the patient.

The use of aspirin helps stop blood clots-sometimes used to treat heart disease and also to treat inflammatory conditions such as: Kawasaki disease..

In the study, Dr. Michael Mazzefy said the use of anticoagulants present in aspirin benefits Covid patients by preventing the formation of blood clots.

He states: “Patients diagnosed with Covid-19 are advised to consider taking aspirin daily, as long as they first check with their doctor.”

Researchers have found that aspirin is not designed to be used as a preventative measure for Covid-19, but has an underlying health condition and is therefore at increased risk of dying or suffering from serious complications of the disease. He emphasized that he can help the patient.

They added: “This study adds to the tremendous work our researchers are doing in medical school to find new treatments for Covid-19 and save patients’ lives.

“Confirmation studies are needed to prove that the use of aspirin leads to better results for Covid-19, but the evidence so far is that even if patients take aspirin to prevent serious complications. It suggests that you may want to discuss with your doctor whether it is safe or not. “

In the UK, another 102 Covid deaths are estimated to be 20,890 positive in just 24 hours, down 18% from last week.

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