Breaking News | A cosmetologist with a stroke leading to Locked-in Syndrome at age 32 learns to walk again
Former cosmetologists ignored the 1 percent chance of walking again after recovering from being trapped in their body.
Brisa Alfaro, 39, was flying from her southern home California I went to a trade fair in New York when I thought she was suffering from what she thought was an allergic reaction.
But after rushing to the hospital, doctors said healthy and healthy Brisa was actually suffering from a stroke.
Brisa Alfaro, 39, flew from her home in Southern California to a trade fair in New York when she thought she had an allergic reaction.She is drawn in the hospital
After rushing to the hospital, the doctor said she had actually suffered a stroke from a healthy and healthy Brisa (left photo), but she was fully recovered and could walk again (right)
She said:’I suddenly started to feel really sick on my way to work, and I thought I had an allergic reaction to what I ate.
“My face was very swollen, it was like I was in a boxing match, and it wasn’t just down.
What is Locked-in Syndrome?
Locked-in syndrome is a rare brain disorder that causes complete paralysis of all voluntary muscles except the muscles that control eye movements.
The suffering person is conscious, but cannot speak or move. Their cognitive function is usually affected.
This syndrome is caused by damage to the brainstem, which contains nerves that transmit information to other parts of the body.
Such injuries are usually caused by poor blood flow or bleeding after trauma.
Patients cannot chew, swallow, talk, or move except their eyes, but they can see and hear.
Most patients are bedridden and depend on their caregivers.
Treatment, if possible, focuses on alleviating underlying disorders such as bleeding.
Patients may need a tube to help breathing.
A small tube is also inserted into the stomach for eating and drinking.
Those who are suffering can be taught to communicate through their eyes.
“So I went to the hospital for safety, and there I had a stroke.
“The next thing I remember is being in the emergency room. I was trying to talk to a doctor and I thought they were completely ignoring me.
“I was so frustrated that no one was communicating with me, so I started screaming.
“But they didn’t ignore me at all, I was already trapped. No screams and no screams were happening.”
After that, she developed “Locked-in Syndrome” and spent the next three weeks stuck.
The doctor called Brisa’s family and told them that she needed to go to a hospital in New York from California because of the severity of her condition. My mother didn’t know if she would come to say goodbye to her daughter.
“The doctor told my family that I had less than 1% chance of moving and could lead a normal life again,” Brisa explained.
“They said that there are less than five cases of locked-in syndrome worldwide each year and few survive. If they survive, they are paralyzed below the neck and can only move their eyes.
She was also unable to eat or breathe on her own and had to wear a respiratory and feeding tube to survive.
Brisa added: “It was a very frustrating time when the whole family started arriving at the hospital to see me. I communicated with them, don’t worry, and I’m fine for the rest of my life I tried hard, but they couldn’t hear me.
“It was a very surreal experience, I was trapped in my body.
“My mother didn’t leave me while I was trapped in her. She played music to me, talked to me from childhood, and told me about all the goals of life. Speaking, she never allowed denial in my heart.
“I think the important thing my mother did that I think played a big role in my recovery was playing me a secret audiobook about the Law of Attraction and Growth.
“As a result, I used my thoughts and focused on healing and discharge from the hospital because my thoughts were everything. I was completely healed and thinking about nothing but showing signs to those around me. did not.
Brisa spent three weeks stuck because she developed “locked-in syndrome” before she began to move gradually (photo of lifting her arms).
“One day my mother was talking to me and asked me to show me the sign. I used everything I had and was able to flicker my little finger.
“Mom rushed to the doctor and said, then came and held my hand and asked me to show her the sign again.
“I was very tired of working hard to move my little finger for my mother, and now I had to do it again.
“It took a while, but I managed to start over. The whole room erupted and it was like playing a football game, and everyone was very impressed.
Brisa was also unable to eat or breathe on her own and had to wear a respiratory and feeding tube to survive.She is drawn to learn communication
“From that point on, I was able to move my little finger to my arm, move my right side of my body, sit in bed and move to a wheelchair.”
Brisa says that even the slightest movement of her did not convince her doctor that she would fully recover.
She added: “At every milestone, doctors said it was as good as this could be obtained, but I was stubborn and determined and I thought it would be better.
Brisa (right) explained that she did not leave her side while she was trapped in her mother (left).
“I’ve spent the last seven years recovering, but it didn’t happen overnight. I’m still recovering because I’m suffering from short-term memory loss. I have to relearn everything. Didn’t, I had to learn how to walk and eat again.
“But now I can live a normal life and use my experience to guide, guide and give hope to others’ journeys. I experience my own nightmares. I was able to help many other people who are there. It was an incredible journey. “
Brisa has a book published this winter, “Unlimited: A Small Move to Your Biggest Life After a Paralyzed Stroke.”
Brisa and her partner Jason went hiking.She can now walk long distances, even though she is said to never be able to walk again
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