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Israeli scientists have found factors that prevent bacterial viral infections

Israeli scientists have found factors that prevent bacterial viral infections


The new strategies that bacteria use to protect themselves from viral infections may serve as new tools in genome editing toolkits.Israeli scientist Weizmann laboratory Science said.The discovery was reported in Published paper Research journal cell.

Scientists have known for 35 years what certain types of bacteria are made from, but until the discovery of the institute, scientists have a complete understanding of how they work. did not. Certain types of bacteria contain what is called retoron, which is half RNA and half single-strand DNA. New discoveries show that these retrons are important components of the bacterial defense system against viral infections. After its discovery, scientists have proven to use Letron for the ability of bacteria to fend off certain types of viral infections. Researchers unintentionally found the answer to a long-standing mystery. Scientists have a better understanding of the key elements of bacterial viral infection prevention, which can have a significant impact. This includes implications in the field of biotechnology. A fragment of RNA that is a template for the synthesis of DNA strands. Retoron sequencing allows you to exchange this template for any DNA sequence and combine it with another tool borrowed from the Bacterial Immune Toolkit to manipulate genes in a variety of ways.

The research team’s initial goal was to find new elements that would help the bacteria fight viral infections.

Their work was aided by the team’s own recent findings showing that genes in the bacterial immune system tend to be concentrated in the genome within what is called a “defense island.” While delving into this process, they discovered the unique characteristics of Retoron within the Bacterial Defense Island.

Further studies have demonstrated that retoron is involved in bacterial protection Virus Specializes in bacterial infections known as phages. According to their study, retorons repel phages by continuously connecting to specific other genes physically and functionally.

Bacteria have become less successful in combating phage infections when either the gene or the letron is mutated.

The research team began looking for more retoron gene complexes in the Defense Islands, and eventually found about 5,000 retorons (many of which were new) in the Defense Islands of a large number of bacterial species. Professor Sorek’s team believes that these retorons can provide templates that suit specific gene editing needs.

To prove the theory that retoron functions as an immune system, researchers transplanted retoron into bacterial cells that previously did not contain retoron. The results showed that in many cells, retoron protects bacteria from bacteriophage infections.

According to their study, Retoron does this by killing infected cells. However, this strategy only works if the suicide mechanism works faster than the virus makes a copy of itself and spreads to other cells.

“This is a clever strategy and we have found that it works in the same way as the guard mechanism used in plant cells,” says Professor Sorek.

“Like viruses that infect plants, phages are equipped with different inhibitors to block different parts of the cell’s immune response. A guard mechanism known to be present in plants. As such, retrons do not need to be able to identify all possible inhibitors just to process the function of one particular immune complex. “Infected plant cells apply this” local suicide “method. And kill small areas of leaves and roots to save the plant itself. Most bacteria live in colonies, so this same strategy can promote the survival of the group. Even at the expense of individual members, “Professor Solek said. The study was carried out in the laboratory of Professor Rotem Sorek of the Institute’s Department of Molecular Genetics, and members of the laboratory, Adi Millman, Dr. It was led by Aude Bernheim and Avigail Stokar-Avihail.

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