New York coronavirus patients treated with antimalarial drugs
State health officials have stated that 4,000 severe coronavirus cases in New York are being treated with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine.
President Trump Promoted hydroxychloroquine There is currently no extensive scientific evidence showing that this will help fight COVID-19, but as a potential lifesaver.
But Governor Andrew Cuomo Said last month State health care providers will use the drug in combination with the antibiotics Zithromax, or azithromycin for some last groove cases, based on potentially promising research.
“Time is of the essence,” said David Holtgrave, director of public health at Albany University on the State Research Team, in a statement.
A State Health Department official said that DOH had shipped hydroxychloroquine doses to 56 hospitals in New York and distributed “enough to treat 4,000 patients to date”.
According to authorities, patients are receiving medication as part of a 4- or 10-day regimen.
The public health department at the University of Albany is observing the effects of the drug on patients, and preliminary studies could return in weeks instead of the usual months, officials said.
There are also clinical trials being done to see if drugs can help prevent transmission.
NYU Langone Medical School is conducting a randomized study with a $ 9.5 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
“There is currently no proven way to prevent COVID-19 after exposure,” said Anna Bershteyn, assistant professor at the NYU Langone’s Ministry of Population and Health and co-chief investigator.
“If hydroxychloroquine provides protection, it can be an indispensable tool to fight this pandemic. Otherwise, you need to avoid unnecessary risks from taking the drug.”
RX has long been used to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
Its potential side effects include everything from fatal cardiac arrhythmias to loss of vision, tinnitus, vomiting, mood changes, skin rashes, and hair loss.
Health officials are cautious, saying they do not expect hydroxychloroquine to be a “miracle drug” for coronavirus, but the study deserves to bet.
Researchers have enrolled 2,000 adult volunteers at six sites for the NYU clinical trial on prevention.
They are recruiting people who have no symptoms of COVID-19 but who are in close contact with those with or pending a definitive diagnosis.
Randomly, study participants receive either hydroxychloroquine or a placebo tablet (vitamin C) daily for two weeks.
Each day for 14 days, and then on day 28, participants will wipe their nasal passages and send samples to researchers to detect possible COVID-19 infections.
“ If everything goes as planned, an eight-week trial could provide an answer by summer if a drug’s prophylaxis is safe and effective, ” NYU Langone said in a release. Was.
“If so, the strategy may provide health authorities with much needed boost by delaying human-to-human transmission.”
The Federal Food and Drug Administration has granted an emergency license to use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients in a pandemic.
There has been anecdotal evidence that this drug will help patients get rid of the virus sooner, including in China.
However, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health recently asked if this drug is considered a new treatment for coronavirus, “The answer is no … the evidence you are talking about is anecdotal. “
Northwell health facilities (such as Lennox Hill, Jewish Long Island, and Staten Island University hospitals) and the Maimonides Medical Center, meanwhile, provide patients with moderate to severe illness in coronavirus patients and the IL-6 inhibitor salilumab and , Integrated into the genome.
Northwell recruited 143 patients for the salilumab trial.
Mount Sinai’s-Icahn School of Medicine is also one of 34 institutions nationwide participating in the national COVID-19 convalescent plasma project. The program seeks blood plasma donations from recovered coronavirus patients, including antibodies that can be used to fight the virus in critically ill patients.
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