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Studies suggest that one-fifth of Covid-19 patients will have a psychiatric diagnosis within 90 days

Studies suggest that one-fifth of Covid-19 patients will have a psychiatric diagnosis within 90 days


Researchers examined the medical records of 69 million people in the United States from January 20th to August 1st. The data included 62,000 people infected with Covid-19 as part of what the authors described as the largest study to date on their association with coronavirus. Mental health challenges.

Three months after a positive Covid-19 test, it was found that nearly one in five survivors (18%) had a psychiatric diagnosis. This is about twice as likely as the other groups of patients with different illnesses and conditions analyzed as part of the study during the same period.

Researchers at the University of Oxford compared the psychiatric diagnosis of Covid-19 survivors with patients with influenza, other respiratory infections, skin infections, major fractures, gallstones, and kidney stones.

“The study reports that patients after COVID-19 diagnosis are at a slightly higher risk of being diagnosed with psychiatric disorders, primarily anxiety and depression, than after certain other medical events.” , Said David Curtis, a former consultant psychiatrist and honorary professor at the university. In the statement, the University of London and Queen Mary University of London.

“For example, we show that there is an 18% chance of getting a psychiatric diagnosis after Covid-19 compared to 13% after influenza,” Curtis, who was not involved in the study, said in London Science. I told the media center.

“It is difficult to determine the importance of these findings. These psychiatric diagnoses are very common when people see a doctor. This is a little more frequent in Covid-19 people. Of course, what happens to you may be worried. They could be terribly ill and no one would have had to endure a period of quarantine. ”

Studies published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry On Monday, I didn’t see any reason or mechanism that could explain the link between the Covid-19 contract and psychiatric diagnosis.

The neurological symptoms of Covid-19 appear in most inpatients, the study says.

It includes some of the direct neurological or biological effects of the virus, the drugs used to treat it, the worries and anxieties caused by getting sick, and broader concerns about pandemics. Factors may explain, said study author Professor Paul Harrison, psychiatry at Oxford University and Warnford Hospital.

It is also possible that the data in the electronic medical records collated by the TriNetX Analytics Network did not adequately capture the socio-economic or behavioral factors that could explain the link.

“We need to be careful about the interpretation and deselect this important question,” Harrison said at a news conference.

Need for long-term data

During the 14-90 day period after Covid-19 diagnosis, 5.8% of the survivors of the study first recorded a diagnosis of mental illness, compared to 2.5% to 3.4% of patients in the comparison group. Therefore, the study states that adults are about twice as likely to be newly diagnosed with mental illness after being diagnosed with Covid-19.

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The study also found that having a mental illness the previous year was associated with an increased chance of getting Covid-19. This risk was independent of Covid-19’s known physical health risk factors such as obesity, but could be explained by possible socio-economic factors.

Researchers did not include mental health symptoms that appeared in the first two weeks, such as delirium and other transient cognitive impairment.In other studies, delirium and excitement Common in hospitalized coronavirus patients..

Medical experts said the study had limitations. In particular, the follow-up period was only 90 days.

“Does the pain persist if life-threatening infections are not growing? This study does not provide long-term data-this is at the forefront of our minds when interpreting findings. Should-Psychiatric outcomes cannot be predicted in a one-year follow-up does not explain concerns about potentially painful post-infection physical symptoms, “said the University of Bath, UK, Clinical Psychology. Joe Daniels, a senior professor of scholarship, told SMC.

According to Daniels, the study does not mention which percentage of Covid survivors in the study have long-standing Covid symptoms that are known to be associated with symptoms of disability and distress.

Dame Til Wykes, Vice Dean of Psychology and Systems Science at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, said the need to develop as many different and accessible forms of mental health support as possible.

“Previous pandemics have shown that survivors usually have mental health problems. This study shows the same pattern after Covid-19, which is not unexpected. But this is new. It’s not a discovery, but data and care analysis increase confidence in their results. “


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