The risk of virus spills from animals to humans increases through exploitation and domestication of wildlife
A team of scientists says that animal domestication and wildlife hunting, trade, habitat degradation and urbanization exploitation increase the risk of transmission of animal viruses to humans.
According to a study published in the journal Royal Society Minutes BProcesses leading to a decline in wildlife populations are also facilitating the transmission of animal viruses to humans. This process is called “virus transmission” and has recently occurred with a new coronavirus that has spread worldwide.
“The virus will jump species when there is enough contact to allow transmission between infected animals and susceptible individuals. Animals in close contact can either breathe or breathe, May share virus with humans in contact with urine or blood “, a study from the University of California, Davis Newsweek.
“Certain zoonotic viruses (vector-borne viruses) are transmitted between hosts by vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks,” she said.
To investigate the causes of viral transmission in animals and humans, Johnson and her colleagues compiled a dataset of 142 viruses known to have spread to people and species involved as hosts. .
The team then examined the abundance trends of these species, the risk of extinction, and, where applicable, the factors that might be driving the decline in the population of these animals.
“We wanted to investigate further the causes of the transmission of pathogens. Many studies have looked at this from a viral perspective. A considerable number of people have also investigated host factors, but trends in species abundance indicate a risk of transmission. Has not been investigated yet. “
Researchers say the results provide an overall view of the transmission risk and link species richness trends to the likelihood that they will share the virus with us.
“The risk of spillover increases with the increasing global abundance of species,” Johnson said. “Disease transmission was particularly common from domesticated species and wildlife that adapted to the way we changed the landscape.”
Studies have shown that livestock, including livestock, are by far the largest source of virus spills, given their large numbers and frequent close interactions with us. Not sure.
Another important source is the abundant increase in wildlife, which is well adapted to some human-controlled environments such as rodents, bats and primates.
Finally, findings indicate that human-driven activities that have led to the loss of wildlife habitat increase the chances of animal-human interaction and increase the risk of virus shedding.
“In addition, part of the same human activity that caused the species decline was transmission of zoonotic viruses from animals to humans, that is, human exploitation of wildlife, that is, hunting and wildlife trade, and natural habitats. We also found that it was also causing human intrusion into the country, “said Johnson.
“We provide evidence on how human activity has caused the risk of transmission from wildlife. Animal viruses can be pre-adapted or evolved to infect humans Fortunately, the spread of the new virus is a rare event, but probably more common than we recognize. “
According to Johnson, the virus spill and subsequent epidemics are the result of a number of ecological and epidemiological factors, most of which are usually identified after an outbreak.
“Humans have transformed the Earth and nearly one-third of vertebrate species are at risk of extinction,” Johnson said. “The exploitation of wildlife through hunting, capture, and wildlife trade usually involves very close contacts that promote disease transmission. It is sold in markets where animals and people are in close and close contact Living wildlife is a great opportunity for the host to jump.Diverse and different species that usually never come together in nature. “
“As natural habitats decrease, wildlife comes into closer contact with people. Wildlife also changes its distribution to respond to human activities and changes in natural landscapes. It hastened the outbreak of disease from wildlife and put us at risk of a pandemic, “she said.
Researchers say the latest data may help authorities prepare for the pandemic and prevent disease outbreaks.
“We hope to shift the mindset from pandemic response to pandemic prevention. Disease outbreaks anywhere can affect us all, and to find more sustainable ways to coexist We need to understand all the effects we have on nature. “
The latest research is urging more than 200 organizations around the world, including the World Animal Protection and Humanitarian Association International, to issue letters to the World Health Organization to support the live wildlife market and its perpetual ban on its use. Was announced on the same day. Of wildlife in traditional medicine. The letter notes that an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is associated with the wildlife market in Wuhan, China
“The current COVID-19 pandemic shows how wildlife trade can be deadly, not only for the wildlife involved but also for people around the world. COVID-19 has raised thousands of people. “Kills will probably have a lasting negative impact on local and global economies,” said Teresa Telekey, vice president of wildlife at Huma Society International.
“It’s a turning point that governments around the world must not ignore. The wildlife markets around the world are the next global pandemic petri dishes, so governments around the world need food, medicine, fur, pets, etc. , We must act to permanently ban wildlife trade. For other reasons.The government also needs to help relevant traders find new livelihoods as soon as possible. “
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