Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory doesn’t make sense
Online conspiracy theories have recently attempted to link the new coronavirus pandemic to 5G technology rollouts. There is no scientific connection, Multiple 5G towers are firing in the UK. Theories shared by Facebook, Nextdoor, and Instagram are widespread, and the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Very clearly state: “5G technology is not Causes coronavirus. “
None of the conspiracy theories trying to link 5G to the coronavirus make sense. The virus spreads in countries that do not have access to 5G, and the frequency of 5G does not harm the body. COVID-19 is caused by an infectious virus that has nothing to do with electromagnetic waves. Even the general correlation between 5G and COVID-19 cannot withstand scrutiny. Both of these are global phenomena that happen almost simultaneously, but as soon as you look at a particular country, the correlation breaks down.
Professor Steven Powys, director of medicine at NHS England in the UK, has called the link between 5G and coronavirus “outrageous” “absolute and complete trash”. The UK government has also branded the “dangerous nonsense” claim, Conspiracy theories with labels “Crack pot”
Some of these theories suggest that novel coronaviruses may be transmitted through 5G or that 5G suppresses the immune system. Neither is correct. To understand why 5G is not associated with a virus, you need to understand why 5G radio waves are not powerful enough to damage only cells of the body or transmit the virus. As with earlier 4G or 3G, the radio waves used in 5G are low frequency, non-ionizing radiation. They are on the other side of the electromagnetic spectrum from sources of ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet light.
These 5G radio waves are not powerful enough to heat the body and weaken the immune system. “The idea that 5G lowers the immune system is intolerable,” said Simon Clarke, associate professor of cell microbiology at Reading University. Recent interview with the BBC.
Similarly, radio waves and viruses are not transmitted in the same way. New coronaviruses spread from person to person. It is usually caused by small salivary droplets that are created when a sick person coughs, sneezes, or breathes. The only types of viruses that can be transmitted over the air are those that affect computers, not humans.
Another fact that brings this 5G conspiracy theory back to the real world is that the pandemic has hit countries like Iran, India and Japan where 5G has not yet been used. Iran Reportedly confirmed 5G regulations. We plan to roll out this technology later this year. There are currently more than 66,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Iran. Japan only Deployment started Last week’s 5G service, and 5G launch in India Can even be late For a pandemic. At the same time, 5G towers have been installed in South Korea for one year, and after the outbreak of Wuhan, cases of COVID-19 began to occur.
Broader 5G concerns are being addressed primarily by regulators, scientists, and independent groups. Some implementations of 5G use millimeter wave (mmWave) band transmission, but the radio frequency is higher than 4G or 3G, UK regulators Records well below 5G electromagnetic radiation levels International guidelines. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) also found no evidence to suggest that 5G poses a risk to human health.
ICNIRP Updated guidelines Last month, following a seven-year study. ICNIRP Chair Eric van Rongen said:
Many of these coronavirus 5G conspiracy theories come from active disinformation campaigns. Ah New York Times report Since last year, it has warned that Russian campaigns are actively exploiting the health fears of 5G. RT America, a television network funded by the Russian government, Broadcast the report More than a year ago, RT reporters claimed 5G might “kill you”.
The European Union Task Force has also tracked many disinformation campaigns, Warning “Some state and state-sponsored actors are exploiting the public health crisis to promote geopolitical interests.”
Many recent fringe theories Seems to have occurred A Belgian newspaper announcing a scientifically unfounded claim that “ 5G is life-threatening ” and trying to link the pandemic origin to the spread of 5G technology in Wuhan, a Chinese city that originated the new coronavirus From. The general practitioner cited in the article acknowledged that “I have not confirmed the facts,” but that did not stop conspiracy therapists from immediately spreading it to English-speaking Facebook pages.
After a series of cell tower attacks, UK mobile operators have called on the public not to spread false claims. “Please help us to support this outage,” said the top four mobile carriers in the UK In a joint statement earlier this week. “If you witnessed the abuse of our key workers, please report it. If you find the wrong information, call out.”
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