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Yellowstone, Alaska: A Giant Underwater Volcano Found Can ‘Change the World’ | Science | News

Yellowstone, Alaska: A Giant Underwater Volcano Found Can ‘Change the World’ |  Science |  News


Alaska earthquake: The United States Geological Survey shows the affected area

Geologists have discovered that a path of volcanic islands off the coast of southern Alaska may actually be connected to a giant caldera. According to evidence presented for the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting, the group of six volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands – known as the Four Mountains Islands (IFM) – may be associated with a much larger underwater volcano. The scientists analyzed seismic activity, gas emissions, gravitational measurements, and geochemistry in the area around the stratovolcanic volcanoes of Carlisle, Cleveland, Herbert, Cagamel, Tanna and Ulyag – and their results suggested that the activity could be traced back to a larger source.

“Everything we look at lines up with the caldera in this region,” said study co-author Diana Roman.

Most stratovolcanoes are cone-shaped structures with steep sides that build up over time from accumulated flows of lava, ash, and rocks.

These volcanoes derive their volcanic strength from medium-sized underground reservoirs of magma.

Meanwhile, the caldera is formed by huge reserves of magma deep in the Earth’s crust, and it forms when the reservoir pressure bursts out of the crust in one huge explosion.

Alaska may have a giant volcano similar to Yellowstone (Image: GETTY)

There are a number of volcanoes in the region (Image: NASA)

Then the volcano collapses into a depleted magma chamber, leaving a depression behind – which is what scientists believe happened in Alaska.

Dr. Roman noted that the caldera feeding six volcanic islands is likely to represent a supervolcano that can be compared to those in Yellowstone National Park – but more evidence is needed to confirm the IFMs association.

“Our hope is to return to the islands of the Four Mountains and take a closer look at the sea floor, study volcanic rocks in more detail, collect more seismic and gravitational data, and experience more geothermal areas,” she added.

But even if the theory is confirmed, the results do not necessarily predict a future disaster.

“This new research finding does not alter the risks,” said John Power, a geophysicist with the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Read more: Yellowstone tsunami: Earthquake ‘sends waves 30 feet over park’ looked like the end of the world

Scientists say there could be a caldera feeding into volcanoes (Image: GETTY)

“We are not expecting anything serious here.”

The team warns that many unknowns about the structure remain.

For example, they are still not sure of the size of the caldera, nor do they know if it was made from one large blast or several small ones.

But rough calculations by Oregon State University volcanologist Adam Kent put the IFM eruption at about one-tenth of the eruption that shook Yellowstone about 640,000 years ago.

He noted, “It could potentially change the world. But not the end of the world.”

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More research is needed to understand what is going on (Image: GETTY)

The Aleutian Islands contain 40 active and 17 inactive volcanoes, and are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

It stretches more than 1,860 miles between Alaska and Russia, and forms the southern border of the Bering Sea.

In its northern encroachment, the Pacific tectonic plate contacts the North American Plate, giving rise to the famous San Andreas and Denali faults.

In southwest Alaska, these two plates meet face to face, and the Pacific Plate sinks under the North American Plate.

This zone, where the two plates are pushed directly into each other, is one of the most active seismic regions in the world.

The area inside the Ring of Fire (Image: GETTY)

More than 100 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or more have occurred along these borders in the last century.

Two major earthquakes in the North Pacific shook towns in the Aleutian Islands just last week.

The Alaska Seismological Center said a 6.3-magnitude earthquake was recorded in the Fox Islands region, about 30 miles southeast of Nikolsky.

The earthquake struck around 7:22 am at a depth of 14 miles.

Just 13 minutes later, a magnitude 5.7 earthquake was recorded 300 miles southeast of Kodiak, in the Gulf of Alaska, at a depth of 26 miles.

The earthquakes were said to be felt in Aleutian communities in Nikolsky, Alaska and Akotan, but no damage occurred.

The most dangerous and active volcanoes in the world (Image: GETTY)

Tectonic earthquakes are among the most powerful natural phenomena on the planet and have long been believed to trigger volcanic eruptions.

The famous Ring of Fire hosts 90 percent of the world’s recorded earthquakes and 75 percent of all active volcanoes.

Eruptions and earthquakes often occur in these hotspots around the same time, but scientists say you cannot assume a link exists.

“Maybe the volcano was already preparing for an eruption, or it was already erupting for a long time,” volcanologist Janine Krippner told National Geographic in 2019.

The US Geological Survey believes that earthquakes can sometimes trigger volcanic eruptions, through intense Earth’s shaking, or their ability to alter the local pressure surrounding a nearby magma source.

But they stress that the mechanisms for triggering such events are not well understood, and research papers linking earthquakes to subsequent volcanic eruptions can only speculate.

They also believe the timing may have been a coincidence.

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