Oakland County reveals plans to distribute COVID-19 vaccine and expects first dose within a few days | News
In the coming weeks, Oakland County public health nurses plan to administer more than 1,800 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines to first responders.
The county has not received the initial allocation. On Tuesday morning, Pfizer representatives informed the county to expect the first shipment of 1,850 times at the end of this week or early next week. Vaccines are manufactured at Pfizer’s manufacturing plant in Portage, Michigan, and shipped to hospitals and community health departments nationwide.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Granted Pfizer Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) last Friday Michigan hospitals such as Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor, and Beaumont Health in Southfield are giving the state’s first dose to a group of front-line healthcare professionals on Monday and Tuesday.Announced state public health authorities Friday vaccine priority group, The initial dose of Pfizer vaccine is about 84,000 and the initial dose of Moderna vaccine is about 173,000. Scheduled to grate EUA later this week..
Oakland County COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
With the COVID-19 vaccine produced at record speed, the hope of returning to normal life is no longer a dream.
On Tuesday, Auckland Press obtained the Oakland County COVID-19 vaccine distribution program.As vaccines become more widely available, counties can utilize more than eight drive-through test sites to administer vaccines, but the number and time of sites used varies and is entirely dependent. on Prioritization according to CDC guidelines, Supply and demand of vaccines at any time. Initially, the county plans to utilize some of the drive-through sites for the first dose over the first two weeks.
County Health Officer Leigh-Anne Stafford said the county must be “flexible” in its distribution plans. At this point, she doesn’t know how much the county will vaccinate in a week. State health officials have indicated that Michigan expects to receive weekly shipments of vaccines.
Stafford said the county was ready to begin vaccination at the drive-through site within 24 hours of arrival.
“At this time, all vaccines are stored on one of Pontiac’s sites,” she said. “And we use Vaccine Runner to distribute to our sites when we need them. We pre-register at all outsites so we can better understand the amount of money each site offers. Some people are ready to get the vaccine in their place. “
Hospitals and community health departments throughout Michigan will receive the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine a few days later …
Nurse Elissa Spedsuke will receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Monday. She works at the university’s medical center, Michigan Medicine …
Initially, the county will vaccinate public health nurses, starting with about 30 nurses, and then vaccinating the first responders who live or work at several test sites in Oakland County. A survey was sent to the county EMS provider to determine the overall needs. This will help you plan your first drive-through site. Initial estimates indicate that approximately 1,500 to 2,000 emergency response personnel are eligible for initial doses from the county.
Homeland Security and Emergency Management County Mayor Tom Hadesti said the county had no real concerns about its supply chain and the county needed to run its vaccination program effectively and efficiently. He added that he had a lot of money, supplies, and other resources.
The county currently has drive-through test sites in Holly, Rochester, Lyonnais Township, Pontiac and Southfield, with plans to add Novi, Waterford and Orion Townships. These are all fire departments. The county distributes initial doses to as many drive-through sites as possible and is accessed more by qualified first responders who need to call the county’s nurse-on-call or register online to make vaccination appointments. I will be able to do it. Made on the same day.
“All of these sites do this for free,” says Hardesty. “The fire department and the community have opened the building. They have helped the entire pandemic. In certain cases they have allowed the equipment to be placed outdoors and stored. They are all pandemics. During that time, it was a great partner for us. “
Boxes containing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine will be shipped to the loading dock for shipment at Pfizer Global Supply Kalamazooma….
Kalamazoo, Michigan (AP) — The first truck with the widely used COVID-19 vaccine in the United States withdraws from its manufacturing facility in Michigan on Sunday, a key shot to stop the outbreak of the US coronavirus. Started in earnest a day later. ..
County officials say the site will not run tests and vaccinations together on the same day. For example, if the Rochester fire department is testing on a particular day, the vaccination will be done at another drive-through site. The county keeps one site open for testing once a day on weekdays.
How does registration work?
The registration confirmation will be sent to the individual with the following reminders:
- Please come to the place at the assigned reservation time. Only individuals with scheduled appointments will be vaccinated.
- The client will receive a link to the Oakland County Health Department website with vaccine information in the booking confirmation email.
- Bring your photo ID (if available) and make it available when you arrive at the test site.
- Please do not bring pets into the car. If your pet is in the car, the test will not complete.
- Vaccinated people will stay in the car forever. Vehicles are directed by staff throughout the process.
- If you have a fever within 24 hours of booking, please change your schedule by phone. You cannot get a fever and get a vaccine.
- After someone receives the vaccine, they have to wait 15-30 minutes in the field. Vaccinated people may leave the test site if no side effects occur. You will be given a fact sheet with information on how to report side effects.
At the end of each day, medical information is transferred to Oakland County Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and uploaded to the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) as needed.
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