State complains about less vaccine shipments than expected
The company also said it shared “every aspect” of the production and distribution process with the federal government. “They visited our facility, walked the production line, and updated our production plans when information became available,” the statement said.
COVID19 vaccine>
Answers to vaccine questions
Distribution of coronavirus vaccine began in the United States Here are the answers to some of the questions you may be wondering:
- When can I get the vaccine if I live in the United States? The exact order of vaccinated people may vary from state to state, but in most cases healthcare professionals and caregiver residents are the top priority. If you want to understand how this decision is made, This article is useful.
- When can I return to normal life after being vaccinated? life Return to normal Only if society as a whole has adequate protection against the coronavirus. Once the country has approved the vaccine, only a few percent of the population will be vaccinated in the first few months. The majority of unvaccinated people remain vulnerable to infection.More and more Coronavirus vaccine It shows strong protection against getting sick. However, the virus can spread without knowing that it is infected, as it has only mild or no symptoms. Scientists still don’t know if the vaccine will also block the infection with the coronavirus. So for the time being Vaccinated people should wear a mask, Avoid indoor congestion. Once a sufficient number of people have been vaccinated, it becomes very difficult to find people who are susceptible to the coronavirus.Depending on how quickly we as a society reach that goal, life may begin to approach: Normal by fall 2021..
- Do I still need to wear a mask if I have been vaccinated? Yes, but not forever. This is the reason. The coronavirus vaccine is injected deep into the muscles and stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. This seems to be sufficient protection to prevent the vaccinated person from getting sick. However, even if antibodies are mobilized elsewhere in the body to prevent the vaccinated person from getting sick, the virus will bloom in the nose, sneezing and exhaling to others. It is not clear if it can be transmitted. Vaccine clinical trials were designed to determine if vaccinated people are protected from the disease. It is not to see if the coronavirus can still be spread. Based on studies of patients infected with the flu vaccine and Covid-19, researchers have reason to expect vaccinated people to not spread the virus, but further research is needed. In the meantime, everyone— Even those who have been vaccinated — Think of yourself as the quietest spreader you can and keep wearing masks. Please check this out for details.
- Does it hurt? What are the side effects? The· Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine Like other typical vaccines, it is delivered as a shot in the arm. Injections into the arm are not uncomfortable with other vaccines, but the incidence of short-lived side effects appears to be higher than with flu shots.Tens of thousands of people are already vaccinated, but no one is vaccinated Serious report Health problems. Side effects that may resemble the symptoms of Covid-19 last for about a day and are more likely to appear after the second dose. Early reports of vaccine trials indicate that some people may need to take a break from work because they feel sick after the second dose. In Pfizer’s study, about half developed fatigue. Other side effects, such as headache, chills, and muscle aches, occurred in at least 25-33% of patients, and in some cases even more. These experiences are not fun, but they are a good sign that your own immune system responds strongly to the vaccine and provides long-term immunity.
- Does the mRNA vaccine change my gene? No. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines It uses genetic molecules to stimulate the immune system. The molecule, known as mRNA, is eventually destroyed by the body. The mRNA is packaged in an oily foam that can fuse with the cell and slide the molecule into it. Cells can use mRNA to make proteins from coronaviruses and stimulate the immune system. At any given time, each of our cells may contain the hundreds of thousands of mRNA molecules they produce to make their own proteins. When these proteins are made, our cells shred mRNA with a special enzyme. The mRNA molecules that our cells make can survive for only a few minutes. Vaccine mRNA is designed to withstand the cells’ enzymes a little longer, allowing the cells to make extra viral proteins and stimulate a stronger immune response. However, mRNA can last for at most a few days before it is destroyed.
Pfizer this fall Half of the initial estimate Difficulty in locating equipment and raw materials could delay production and allow 100 million doses by the end of the year after more doses are needed to expand clinical trials thing. In November, CEO Dr. Albert Bourla said about 25 million doses would go to the United States. On Wednesday, a Pfizer spokeswoman said the company could distribute 20 million copies in December in the United States.
The controversy over short-term delivery is Tight negotiations between Pfizer and the federal government over a new contract for more than tens of millions of doses In the first half of next year. Both sides hope to reach an agreement by Christmas, but Pfizer said the federal government would need to use its powers to force suppliers to prioritize orders. A request that someone familiar with the negotiations has been on hold for several months.
The government wants Pfizer to sell another 100 million doses (enough to cover an additional 50 million Americans) between the beginning of April and the end of June. Pfizer says it can only provide about 70 million doses because other countries have already purchased the remaining inventory.
This issue is especially troublesome, according to people familiar with Pfizer’s event version. The company repeatedly asked the Trump administration Pre-order more doses from late summer, but administer until November 25, more than two weeks after Pfizer announces clinical trial results showing that the vaccine is safe and more than 95% effective Did not work.
Currently, both sides are struggling to understand how Pfizer can boost production in order to double the number of doses Pfizer can provide to Americans in the first half of next year. So far, the Trump administration has received a total of 300 million doses from Pfizer and Moderna. With the exception of children and teenagers, whose vaccines have not yet been approved, both vaccines require two doses, so more than 100 million Americans have not yet been covered.
Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex M. Hazard hinted at friction with Pfizer Interview with CNBC on Thursday morning“I want to stop talking about this Pfizer,” he said. He added that the federal government would be happy to help Pfizer manufacture more “if we could help.”
Abby Goodnough contributed to the report.
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