Number of people vaccinated, how to apply
The first COVID-19 vaccine to be given in Tennessee On December 17, the state’s phased immunization program began.
However, the vaccine will not be widely available by the end of the year.
“Because of limited supply, we need to prioritize first,” state health commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercy said in December. “It will not be widely available to the general public until the spring of 2021.”
The pace of vaccination may change as supply fluctuates and new vaccines may be developed. In addition, some Tennessees may refuse vaccination.
With all this in mind, here are the latest figures for COVID-19 vaccination in Tennessee so far.
How many Tennessees have been vaccinated so far?
- As of January 14, a total of 656,550 vaccines have been distributed to Tennessee, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- A total of 264,713 of those vaccines were administered.
- Of them, 238,943 was the first dose and 25,213 was the second dose.
Vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer are currently licensed for emergency use in the United States. You need two shots each to be fully effective.
Do you need a visual? Here are some graphs that track the number of vaccinated people and where they live. The exact numbers may vary slightly as the graphs are based on data from the state and county health departments and information collected through the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.
At what stage are we?
Coronavirus vaccination is ongoing in all 95 counties in Tennessee.However, they are not treated the same everywhere. As of January 15, each county was still part of Phase 1 of the state’s plan.
Some smaller counties are moving to immunize teachers, but more populous counties are just starting their schedule Vaccinations for residents over 75 years old.. Some large counties already have a booking system, which may continue after the state-wide portal is launched, but others do not.
How do I apply for a vaccine?
Tennessee launched the online COVID-19 vaccine registration system in January as the state moved from first-come-first-served distribution to online booking and vaccine delivery instead.
To check if you qualify and sign up:
- Go to the Tennessee Vaccine Registration website (
- Find the county on the map to determine the current immunization phase
- Check the phase chart to see if you are eligible for the current phase
- In that case, the county red[予約する]Click on the box
Apply for TN vaccine:Find your county on the map and book
Some large counties, including Davidson and Shelby counties, have previously established their own sign-up system and will not make reservations from this website.
A spokeswoman for the Tennessee Department of Health, Sherry Walker, said the new registration system would allow the county to pre-schedule all vaccinations and minimize “the number of people waiting in line due to out of stock.” Said that it can be suppressed to.
How long does it take to vaccinate everyone in Tennessee at the current pace?
According to the State Health Department, Tennessee is currently vaccinated 80,000 times a week. That number is subject to change as supply chains fluctuate and new vaccines may be developed.
Given the need for two doses for all Tennessees, the current weekly vaccine supply, and the doses given so far, all Tennessees are about 41 months from now, or about 41 months. You can get vaccinated after 3 years and 5 months.
Find reporter Rachel Wegner on [email protected] or Twitter @rachelannwegner..
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