How well do you know the term COVID-19? | Features
To better understand the spread of COVID-19 and the virus, please obtain accurate information and make sure you understand the related terms.
The following is a glossary of words that will help you improve your knowledge of COVID-19 during a pandemic.
Antibodies are blood proteins that are produced in response to a specific antigen. Antibodies can help fight an infection and prevent it from recurring. It is called immunity. Antibodies are disease-specific. See the definitions of “antigen” and “immunity” below.
Antibody test
The COVID-19 antibody test, also called a serological test, is a blood test performed to find out if you have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. An antibody test cannot determine if a person is infected with COVID-19.
Antigens are toxins or substances that the body recognizes as foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses in the blood, and induce the body’s immune response, especially the production of antibodies.
Antigen test
This COVID-19 test detects specific proteins in the virus. If you take a liquid sample using a long nasal swab or throat swab, the antigen test will give results in minutes.
Antigen tests may be more practical for many people because these tests are faster and cheaper than the polymerase chain reaction test.
Because of the increased likelihood of false-negative results, healthcare providers may recommend a polymerase chain reaction test to confirm negative antigen test results. See the definition of “polymerase chain reaction test”.
Asymptomatic test results
Asymptomatic individuals have been tested positive for certain infections, such as COVID-19, but do not cause or indicate symptoms. You may feel good, but it is infectious and can spread the virus to others.
Expansion to the community
The epidemic of the disease in certain places, such as neighborhoods and towns, is the epidemic of the community. During the spread of the community, there are no clear causes of contact or infection. This is sometimes referred to as “community sending”.
Contact tracing
Contact tracing helps protect people, families, and members of the community in the following ways:
• You need to inform people that you may be infected with COVID-19 and monitor your health for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
• Help people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 get tested.
• Ask people to self-quarantine if they are infected with COVID-19 or, if closely related, self-quarantine.
Coronavirus is a family of related viruses. Many coronaviruses cause respiratory illness. Coronavirus causes COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and several strains of influenza or influenza. The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is SARS-CoV-2, which stands for “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2”.
COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 is an abbreviation for “Coronavirus Disease 2019”.
COVID-19 negative
If people are COVID-19 negative, this means they are likely not infected with the COVID-19 virus. However, depending on the timing and quality of the test sample, false negative test results can occur.
Even if the test result is negative, you may be infected in the future. Therefore, it is important to follow guidelines for social distance, mask use, and hand washing to avoid potential spread. If your symptoms persist, your healthcare provider may recommend repeated tests.
COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment Center
This outpatient service, sometimes referred to as fluid therapy, helps block viral replication and administers remdesivir, which is approved for the treatment of serious illness, and bamuranibimab, a monoclonal antibody therapy. I am experiencing less serious symptoms.
Remdesivir should be given intravenously daily for 5 days. Previously, patients who were ready to be discharged could have remained in the hospital to complete treatment.
At the COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment Center, you can complete your treatment as an outpatient. Bamuranibimab requires only one dose and has been shown to reduce the likelihood of disease progression.
As other medications become available, the Mayo Clinic will review and add treatments to care for patients.
COVID-19 positive
If people are COVID-19 positive, this means they are actively infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. They need to be considerate of themselves and take appropriate steps to prevent the virus from spreading to others. You must self-quarantine until you meet the following three conditions:
• Symptoms have improved.
• It’s been three days since I had a fever.
• At least 10 days have passed since the first onset of symptoms.
If you have severe symptoms of COVID-19 or a health condition that reduces your ability to fight the disease, your healthcare provider may recommend a longer quarantine period. If you get a positive result but no symptoms, you should be quarantined for 10 days after the test.
If you run out of hospital beds, you can choose to temporarily relocate the patient to another location. However, diversion does not mean that the hospital will stop accepting new patients altogether in an emergency. Diversion is often the last resort for hospitals. Detours are only made if the patient can be safely sent elsewhere and is stable enough to travel.
Emergency department detour / bypass
If the patient’s volume or vision exceeds normal capacity, the emergency department may make a temporary detour / bypass. The local emergency medical service will inform you not to bring an ambulance to the facility. However, patients who come to the hospital by other means, such as by car or by bringing in, will be triaged and treated as soon as possible.
Complete hospital bypass
This is the temporary status of a medical facility where all beds are full. The emergency room continues to triage and treat patients. If additional care is needed and the patient is stable, the patient can be transferred to another tissue.
Herd immunity
Herd immunity occurs when the majority of the community (herd) is immune to the disease and is less likely to spread from person to person. As a result, the entire community is protected, not just those who are immune.
In many cases, some of the population must be able to get sick because of the spread of the disease. This is called the threshold ratio. If the proportion of the population immune to the disease is greater than this threshold, the spread of the disease is reduced. This is known as the mass immunity threshold.
Immunity is the body’s ability to resist and fight infections. The immune system is a network of cells throughout the body that prevents a person from becoming infected and helps them improve when infected.
Intensive care unit bypass
No other patient can be hospitalized when the intensive care unit reaches capacity or based on the patient’s eyesight and staff requirements.
Isolation or self-isolation
Isolation or self-quarantine, also known as self-quarantine, refers to the isolation of a sick person from a healthy person to prevent the spread of the disease. Isolation keeps people who test positive for COVID-19 away from others, even at home, with or without symptoms.
Monoclonal antibody therapy
Monoclonal antibodies are basically antibodies that attach to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes COVID-19). Once attached to the peplomer, the virus is unable to attach to the cell, limiting the spread of the infection and preventing it from progressing further.
Polymerase chain reaction test
This COVID-19 test uses an technique called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the genetic material of the virus. For liquid samples, insert a long swab into a person’s nostril and collect the liquid from behind the nose (nasopharyngeal swab), insert a long swab behind the throat (mesopharyngeal swab), or spit in a tube. Vomiting and collecting. Saliva sample. The polymerase chain reaction test is accurate if properly performed by a healthcare professional, but can be overlooked in some cases by rapid testing.
Plasma donation
Researchers are testing the use of blood donations to treat people with severe COVID-19. Those who are found to be positive for the COVID-19 antibody may be eligible to donate plasma to help others. Find out more about plasma donations to COVID-19 from the Mayo Clinic.
Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE,” is a device worn to minimize exposure to the risk of serious workplace injury or illness. This may include gloves, isolation gowns, N95 masks, surgical face covers, face shields, or goggles.
Quarantine involves separating asymptomatic people and keeping them away from others if they are likely to develop the disease. Quarantine is also suitable for people who were near people with known exposure.
Remote patient monitoring
Remote patient monitoring uses medical technology and devices that are sent to the patient’s home so that vital signs and symptom assessments can be screened daily.
A team of nurses regularly monitors the data and contacts patients to assess their health and progress towards health goals. This program was developed to support patients with complex chronic illnesses, including patients with COVID-19.
Super spreader
A superspreader is someone who is highly contagious and can infect a large number of people who are not infected with an infection.
Surge plan
In disaster or pandemic situations where many patients require hospitalization, hospitals can activate so-called surge plans. Surge planning brings together the necessary resources, such as staff and equipment, to ensure that the entire hospital works together to allocate beds in the most efficient way.
Virtual care
Due to the benefits of technology, virtual care (also known as virtual visits, telemedicine, telemedicine, video visits, and telephone visits) requires people and their families to increase their social distance during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can continue to receive care. Virtual care options are available from the Patient Online Service, a patient portal.
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