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Black coffee can be good for your heart, research shows

Black coffee can be good for your heart, research shows


Drinking more than one cup of plain leaded coffee per day is associated with a long-term reduction in the risk of heart failure, according to a review of dietary data from three major studies using American Heart Association analysis tools. Was there.

The benefits did not extend to decaffeinated coffee. Instead, analysis found an association between decaffeinated coffee and an increased risk of heart failure.

heart failure It occurs when a weakened heart cannot supply enough blood to the cells of the body to get the oxygen needed to maintain the normal functioning of the body. People with heart failure suffer from fatigue and shortness of breath, which interferes with their daily activities such as walking and climbing stairs.

“Although we can’t prove a causal relationship, these three studies show that drinking coffee is associated with a reduced risk of heart failure, and that it’s taken plainly without the addition of sugar or high-fat dairy products. It’s interesting to suggest that coffee can be part of a healthy eating pattern if you do, such as cream. ” Registered nutritionist Penny Chris Etherton, former chairman of the American Heart Association’s Lifestyle and Cardiac Metabolism and Health Council Leadership Committee, said in a statement. She was not involved in the study.

Large-scale data analysis

the study, Published in AHA Journal Circulation: Heart Failure on Tuesday, Self-reported dietary information analysis from the original Framingham Heart Study.. The study, initiated in 1948, enrolled more than 5,000 undiagnosed people living in Framingham, Massachusetts. This study has followed these people and their offspring for 72 years over three generations.
The new study used AHA’s state-of-the-art analytical tools. Precision medicine platform Framingham data Risk of atherosclerosis in community studies, Longitudinal, multisite, interracial studies, and Cardiovascular health researchA 10-year study of cardiovascular risk in adults over 65 years of age.

Overall, the study provided dietary information on more than 21,000 adult Americans.

Compared to those who did not drink coffee, the analysis analyzed that for each cup of coffee consumed daily in Framingham heart and cardiovascular health studies, the risk of heart failure over time was between 5% and 12%. I found that it decreased.

Atherosclerosis risk in community studies remained the same risk of heart failure with or without coffee or a cup of coffee daily. However, analysis shows that when people drink more than one cup of black coffee a day, the risk is reduced by about 30%.

“The link between caffeine and reduced risk of heart failure was amazing,” said Dr. David Kao, senior author and medical director of the Colorado Personal Medical Center at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora.

Coffee is effectively a health food: a myth or a fact?

“Coffee and caffeine are often considered” bad “for the heart by the general public because they are associated with palpitations and high blood pressure. The consistent relationship between increased caffeine consumption and reduced risk of heart failure brings that assumption to mind, “Kao said in a statement.

A little attention

All of these studies were done by drinking black coffee. However, many add high-calorie dairy, sugar, flavor, or non-dairy creamers, and add sugar and fat. It will probably deny the health benefits of the heart, AHA warns.

Also note that in most studies, a cup of coffee is only 8 ounces. A standard “grand” cup in a coffee shop is twice 16 ounces.

The healthiest way to brew your coffee-and perhaps prolong your life

The way coffee is brewed also affects your health. Unlike filter coffee makers, French press, Turkish coffee, or boiled coffee, which is popular in Scandinavian countries, is unable to capture a compound called cafestol in the oily portion of coffee. Cafestol can increase bad cholesterol or LDL (low density lipoprotein).

Studies have shown that caffeine can be dangerous if overdose by certain populations. High levels of coffee consumption during pregnancy (4 cups and above) were associated with low birth weight, preterm birth, and stillbirth. 2017 study.. Coffee has increased the risk for women who are more likely to have a fracture. The same was not true for men.
Past studies also Sleep problems Or Unmanaged diabetes You should check with your doctor before adding caffeine to your diet.

And, of course, these benefits do not apply to children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children and adolescents should not drink cola, coffee, energy drinks or other drinks that contain caffeine.

“Conclusion: Meet the recommendations for fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat / non-fat dairy products, low in sodium and saturated fat, and enjoy coffee moderately as part of an overall healthy eating pattern for the heart. I added sugar. ”

“It’s also important to note that caffeine is a stimulant and overdose can cause problems-it causes jitter and sleep disorders,” she said.


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