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Quarantine for people receiving COVID-19 vaccination

Quarantine for people receiving COVID-19 vaccination


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According to experts, fully vaccinated persons should follow the COVID-19 safety protocol, such as wearing a mask. Jayme Burrows / Stocksy
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now states that fully vaccinated people probably do not need to be quarantined after exposure to COVID-19.
  • Experts have shown that vaccines are very effective in preventing serious illnesses, but research into how well vaccines block viral infections is not yet definitive.
  • Experts advise vaccinated people to follow safety protocols such as wearing masks and washing hands.

Fully vaccinated people who meet certain criteria no longer need to be quarantined when exposed to COVID-19.

that is New guidance From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the advisory, there is no need to quarantine if:

  • They are completely vaccinated.
  • They are within 3 months of receiving the final dose of the series.
  • I haven’t had any symptoms since I was exposed to COVID-19.

“The personal and social benefits of avoiding unnecessary quarantine outweigh the potential but unknown risks of infection and to those at highest risk of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 to others. It may facilitate the orientation of public health resources. This recommendation to abandon the quarantine of people with vaccine-derived immunity is Quarantine recommendations for people with innate immunityThis makes it easier to implement, “says the CDC.

Those who do not meet the criteria should continue to follow the quarantine guidelines if exposed to people with COVID-19.

Public health experts say the latest updates to the quarantine guidelines are good news.

“This gives us more freedom for governments and other agencies around the world to allow these vaccines to, in fact, return to some sort of similarity in normal behavior. It really shows that you feel comfortable. ” Dr. Yvonne MaldonadoA professor of global health and infectious diseases at Stanford University in California told Healthline.

Currently it is unknown how effective it is COVID-19 vaccine It prevents virus infection. However, their effectiveness in disease prevention has proven to be important.

“Data from studies conducted show that the Pfizer vaccine protects 95% 7 days after the second vaccination and the Modana vaccine protects 94% 14 days after the second vaccination,” Maldonado said. Mr. says.

Information on transmission efficiency is limited, but preliminary data is promising.

“The Moderna study found that swabs of the asymptomatic vaccine on the second dose resulted in a 63% reduction in positive swabs in the vaccine group compared to controls four weeks after the first dose. Some AstraZeneca studies showed very similar reductions. ” Dr. Dean BloombergHe is responsible for pediatric infectious diseases at the University of California, Davis, he told Healthline.

“We’ve been waiting for this since the vaccine became available,” he said. “I think this is a step in the right direction, as I always thought that vaccines would eventually return to some sort of normal sensation without the need for masks or social distance.”

Experts emphasize that vaccinated individuals are still responsible for continuing to comply with the COVID-19 guidelines.

“Vaccines are not” jailbreak “cards. This is the only drawback of the new recommendations. In some thoughts, it can cause more ambiguity and confusion. ” Dr. Scott A. KaiserA primary care physician and geriatrician at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in California told Healthline.

In the updated guidance, the CDC states, “At this time, vaccinated people should continue to follow.” Current guidance To protect yourself and others by wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from others, avoiding crowds, avoiding poorly ventilated areas, covering coughs and sneezing, and washing your hands frequently. CDC Travel Guidance, And follow applicable workplace or school guidance, including guidance related to the use of personal protective equipment or the SARS-CoV-2 test. “

Kaiser argues that these safety measures are unlikely to change as more people are vaccinated.

“One of the things that hasn’t changed, and I don’t think it will change, is that even after vaccination, you need to go back to the basics of wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping a distance, avoiding congestion, especially avoiding congestion. There is a poorly ventilated place, “he said.

“We need to keep doing all this to reduce infections and spread the virus. Vaccines are one tool in our toolkit, but all of these are effective in reducing virus infections. And because there are variants and strains that bring more serious cases, doing this is more important than ever. ”Added.

People who have been vaccinated are in a better position than those who have not yet been vaccinated, according to Bloomberg. But that doesn’t mean that the lives of vaccinated people can return to normal, he said.

“These vaccines are not 100% effective and are asymptomatic and at risk of transmitting the virus to vaccinated people, so they are not safe until higher immunity rates are obtained in the community,” he said. Told.

The CDC advises that those who are completely vaccinated and no longer need quarantine should be monitored for COVID-19 symptoms 14 days after exposure to the virus.

If a fully vaccinated person experiences symptoms, they should be evaluated by a doctor and tested for COVID-19 if necessary.

When the virus is transmitted from person to person, it can mutate. The more mutated the virus, the harder it is to maintain immunity from the vaccine.

According to experts, the emergence of viral variants in South Africa and the United Kingdom means that reducing viral infections is increasingly important.

“In addition to reducing hospitalization and mortality, the more likely the virus is to infect new people, the more likely it is that mutations will occur, and eventually there will be mutations that can escape. I want to stop it. Vaccine-induced immunity, “Maldonado said.


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