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Washington researchers resume fieldwork after studies show low risk of COVID-19 for bats

Washington researchers resume fieldwork after studies show low risk of COVID-19 for bats


A new study has eased concerns that North American bat species may catch coronavirus in humans and reduce their populations.

Seattle — New research into the potential transmission of coronavirus from humans to bats strengthens Washington’s decision to resume scientists’ hands-on use of bats.

This week, the US Geological Survey released the results of a study in which researchers working with bats found that the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to animals was significantly lower. Because it is believed that the COVID-19 pandemic jumped up Humans from bats In China, there were concerns that it could bounce off North American bats and reduce their population.

Several other species have been found to catch COVIDs (tigers, domestic cats, dogs, gorillas), and in some cases, like farmed mink, Humans are thought to have infected animals and become ill.

The USGS has a one-thousandth chance that researchers conducting winter studies will infect bats with COVID-19 when working in colonies and taking no additional precautions, visiting with the PPE. We found that adding pretests reduced the risk to less than 1 in 3333.

This study tracked the potential for bat-to-bat transmission rather than bat-to-bat transmission. It is not known that US bats carry the new coronavirus.

Michael Runge, a USGS scientist and one of the authors of the study, said: “But the consequences if that happens are pretty big, because it can affect the protection of bats.”

The USGS has published a study that will help wildlife managers decide how to proceed, not as formal guidance to the state. In this study, we tracked three East Coast bats. Two of them (small brown and large brown bats) live in Washington, and 15 species call them home.

Washington Fish and Wildlife stopped field research, including bats, in 2020 amid uncertainty about human and animal transmission of the new coronavirus. We then resumed field research with additional precautions such as N95 masks and face shields.

WDFW’s White Nose Coordinator, Abby Tobin, said: “Have you shown any signs of COVID in the last 10 days? Have you been exposed to people infected with COVID during that period?”

She said the new bat protocol, for the prevention of existing White Nose Syndrome, is not much different from the old one, which aimed to prevent humans from bringing deadly fungi into the colony.

The state also urged wildlife rehab personnel to stop accepting and releasing bats for the period of 2020. This restriction was relaxed by additional oversight by a government veterinarian.

Existing white nose threat It is also why Tobin emphasized the importance of protecting bats from other threats such as COVID-19. Bats play an important role in controlling insects and pollinating plants, and external viruses can be devastating. According to the USGS, bats save $ 3 billion annually in pest control in the country’s agricultural industry.

“Therefore, being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 can make you more susceptible to White Nose Syndrome, for example in winter. This is just one example of a potential threat when exposed. I’m sorry, “said Tobin.

Runge determined that this particular infection risk was low, but said it was not entirely clear why bats were not exposed enough to be infected with COVID for several reasons. .. Can they not be infected with the human virus now?

“It has evolved to infect humans,” he said. “The question is whether it has a spillover effect or is there enough overlap with American bats. The jury is still in the final answer to that question. Many ongoing studies Yes, but at this point the risk seems to be quite low. “

In the future, the USGS will assess the risk of infection for researchers’ summer bat activity. We are also studying other potential infection vectors, such as whether bats in people’s homes can be infected with the coronavirus.

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