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How smoking and vaping increase the risk of coronavirus


There are still many uncertainties about CoronavirusBut one of the things we know is to attack the lungs. That’s why during the pandemic, more and more doctors and public health officials are urging people to stop smoking and smoking chimneys and marijuana products.

“It’s a wise thing to do to reduce your risk,” he said. Dr. Stanton Grants, Director of Tobacco Control Research and Education Center at UCSF. “Based on what we know about smoking and vaping, it has various negative effects on the respiratory system and increases the chances of getting infected.”

There are few studies outlining the direct correlation between COVID-19 and smoking, but there is evidence that tobacco weakens the immune system and limits lung function. According to a UCSF study released in December, people who smoke e-cigarettes face a greater risk of developing severe chronic lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema.

“These are the types of things that make this illness worse,” Grants said.

He repeated a recommendation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Institute of Pharmacy that spokesperson Allison Hunt said “COVID-19 is at higher risk and COVID-19 results may be worse.” Says. Nora Borkow’s director of abuse warned that the coronavirus “may pose a particularly serious threat to those who smoke, smoke, or smoke.”

Research published by Chinese medical journal COVID-19 patients with a history of smoking were found to be 14 times more likely to develop pneumonia.

Of particular concern is the CDC report, which accounts for the majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the United States between the ages of 20 and 44.

Focusing on the rapid increase of infectious diseases in young people, World Health Organization Smokers said that sharing a water pipe can transmit respiratory particles among people, while significantly increasing the chance of getting the virus via mouth-to-mouth transmission.

“To smoke and smoke is to touch your face, which means to put your hands near your mouth,” said Grants. “That’s not good.”

Tobacco and electronic cigarettes release ultrafine particles, industrial solvents, various irritants into the respiratory tract, and defeat fibers such as cilia that filter toxic substances and very small hair in the lungs and airways.

“It’s the first line of defense that pushes the virus out of the body,” said Grants. “Smoking and vaping compromise that. When the virus hits the lungs, it becomes an inflammatory condition, calms the immune system and makes it impossible to fight it.”

COVID-19 is a global move to shut down tobacco companies to mitigate their impact on 1.3 billion smokers worldwide, especially those who overburden health systems in developing countries there is.

“The best thing the tobacco industry can do to combat COVID-19 is to stop tobacco production, marketing and sales immediately,” said Public Health Specialist and Director of the United Nations on Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Gan Quan said in a statement this month.

Despite admitting that people may be smoking more to reduce stress and anxiety about pandemics, Glantz said a larger goal could make you more susceptible to infections. He said that it should be to give up a certain habit.

The good news is that people who somehow quit smoking and vaping will get immediate results. Cilia begin to regenerate in 3 days, but normal function usually recovers within 6 months.

“If you stop using the product today, tomorrow will improve your respiratory system,” said Glantz.

Aidin Vaziri is a staff writer at San Francisco Chronicle. Email: [email protected] twitter: @MusicSF

Smoking and vaping FAQ

According to doctors and public health officials, people who smoke and smoke may be at increased risk of serious complications from COVID-19. Here’s what you need to know about the correlation between tobacco or marijuana vaping and smoking during a pandemic.

Q. Are people who smoke or smoke at high risk of getting the coronavirus?

A:Yes. Coronavirus attacks the lungs. Tobacco and e-cigarettes reduce the immune system and lung function, but release ultrafine particles, industrial solvents, and various stimulants into the respiratory tract, destroying cilia, small hair-like fibers in the lungs and respiratory tract. , Eliminate toxins. In addition, smoking and vaping require hand-to-mouth contact. This is one of the most common ways a disease can spread.

Q. Does COVID-19 make smokers more likely to develop serious complications?

A:Yes. According to the World Health Organization, smoking damages the cardiovascular system, reduces lung capacity and increases the risk of serious illnesses such as pneumonia. In a study of Chinese patients diagnosed with COVID-19, the researchers found that the odds of disease progression, including death, were 14-fold higher than those who had never smoked.

Q: How long does it take to quit smoking and improve my defense against coronaviruses?

A: If you’re considering quitting smoking, it’s time to quit. Smoking and vaping have many important long-term effects on your health, but the benefits are immediate. Cilia begin to regenerate in 3 days, but normal function usually recovers within 6 months.

Q: How can I tell the difference between withdrawal symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms?

A: Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually include hypersensitivity and difficulty concentrating. Uncommon signs of withdrawal may include coughing, sore throat, and symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19. But health officials say they shouldn’t cause worries unless your condition worsens.

Q: What are some resources to quit smoking?

800-784-8669: American Lung Association

800-586-4872: National Cancer Institute


Source: Chronicle research

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