Volcanic eruptions associated with a surge in respiratory illness, studies reveal
when Volcano An eruption can emit hundreds of millions of tonnes of dust. Ash And chemicals In the sky. Over the months, new research has discovered that the particulate matter it leaves in the air can have a significant impact on human health.
Scientists investigated the health effects of the giant Holfraun lava field that erupted in the Highlands of Iceland between 2014 and 2015, and found that respiratory disease had “significantly increased” following this event. Did. Iceland Since 1783.
The long lava field was caused by a long fissure eruption, producing over 85 square kilometers (33 square miles) of lava field.
According to a study led by the University of Leeds and the University of Iceland, people’s exposure to emissions has changed from gas to particulates, respiratory disease across Iceland has increased by almost a quarter, and demand for asthma medications has increased. Increased by a fifth.
Scientists say their work highlights the need for decision-making authorities to prepare for health problems associated with the return of emissions known as mature feathers in the days immediately following the eruption of the volcano. Stated.
Dr. Evgenia Irinskaya, professor of volcanoes, air and environmental pollution at the University of Leeds and co-author of the report, said:
“Large volcanic eruptions can cause harmful air pollution soon and when the plume returns to the same area. This can occur without triggering air pollution warnings. There is.
“Our study shows that long-term eruptions like Holfraun can cause both young and mature plumes to circulate at the same time, increasing the negative impact on the health of people living in volcanic areas.”
“Recovery of this pollution is not currently considered in response to the threat to public health posed by volcanoes,” she added.
The Holuhraun eruption released about 11 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide, which spread across Iceland and the Atlantic Ocean into Europe.
Residents of the six-month eruption in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, were repeatedly exposed to both young and mature plumes, even though they lived 150 miles from the eruption site.
In a previous study published in 2017, scientists looked at the chemical composition of the volcanic plume, how it changed, and how these particles and gases moved.
They found that the plume was wiped out by air currents to Britain and mainland Europe before returning to Icelandic cities and towns.
They said that in the process, the plume composition “matured” as it remained in the atmosphere. This means that volcanic sulfur dioxide has been converted into particles.
These particles found in mature plumes are so small that they can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause serious health problems such as worsening asthma attacks.
In the returned plume, the concentration was within the European Commission’s atmospheric standards as sulfur dioxide levels declined as the gas was converted to particles.
As a result, there were no health advisory messages regarding the returning plume in Iceland.
Short-term and long-term exposure to particulate matter from both man-made and natural resources causes premature deaths of more than 3 million people worldwide annually, and air pollution is estimated to be Europe’s only largest environmental health risk. I am.
Scientists said their research revealed the need to improve monitoring of emissions from volcanic activity, as well as the direct health risks of pollutants remaining in the atmosphere.
Dr. Hanne Krage Carlsen, co-author of the University of Iceland and Gothenburg University, said: This was the first time that a significant size and density of population could be evaluated following major volcanic activity.
“This study provides the most solid evidence to date that exposure to chemically mature volcanic eruptions leads to increased use of the national health system.
“We also emphasize that volcanic emissions are a regional issue, which in this case can affect the entire North Atlantic region.
“When Holfraum Plume returned to Iceland, the use of GPs and hospital emergency medical units increased for respiratory illness. At the same time, there was a lack of public health advice.
“Future government responses to volcanic air pollution will globally consider both the health consequences of the first eruption, as well as the impact of returning plumes with additional health threats. recommend to.”
Scientists said their study was particularly relevant last month as lava erupted from a rift in Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall Mountain for the first time in more than 800 years.
The study is published in the journal Nature Communications..
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