University endures vaccination efforts
The plan was simple but strategic when Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced on April 1 his initiative to vaccinate as many college students as possible before the end of the semester. ..
The state supplies colleges with one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and schools host on-campus vaccine clinics to inoculate students.
Many of Ohio’s 63 universities vaccinated students at clinics last week. Others were planning to book a planned mass vaccination clinic during April.
More:COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker: How many people are fully vaccinated?
Later, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave authorities time to suspend J & J’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine and investigate a potential link between the vaccine and severe blood clots on Tuesday. Announced that it should be given. Six of the more than 6.8 million J & J vaccinated women have coagulated. One of those women died.
DeWine’s office called the vaccine provider on the same day to “temporarily suspend” the administration of Johnson & Johnson vaccine, following federal guidance.
The suspension wrinkled many university plans to begin distributing J & J vaccines to students. Other COVID-19 vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, need to be given twice at intervals of several weeks, so J & J’s single dose vaccine can be used to schedule multiple appointments at the end of the semester. You can prevent the necessary gymnastics schedule.
Still, many Ohio universities are persistent in their efforts to vaccinate students.
Ohio University Pivots Immunization Plans
Bembati, chief health officer at Bowling Green State University, said receiving the news on Tuesday brought a mixture of concerns and considerations.
BGSU has been vaccinations for students at Pfizer since mid-March, but with only a few weeks left in the semester, students don’t have to schedule vaccinations or get stuck during the exam. Bati said it would be advantageous to switch to Johnson & Johnson after the class.
According to Batey, two mass vaccination clinics using the J & J vaccine (one for students and one for the bowling green community) will be held at the university’s Perry Field House over the next two weeks. ..
But after Tuesday’s announcement, BGSU canceled those clinics and worked swiftly to inform the community of the change. The university has decided to extend its previously scheduled Pfizer Clinic to include appointments for new first-dose patients.
In Athens, Ohio University had already planned to offer Pfizer vaccine at several clinics due to a shortage of J & J vaccines, according to university spokeswoman Curly Leatherwood. DeWine visited the OU on Monday to promote college vaccinations at the only J & J Vaccine Clinic in the school where 349 students were vaccinated.
Currently, the OU will only offer Pfizer vaccines this semester at the remaining four vaccine clinics. Those who are already enrolled will be automatically provided with the Pfizer vaccine at the time of booking and will be given a follow-up date and time for the second vaccination during their visit.
Other schools didn’t have much reorganization to do.
Wright State University near Dayton already had a program to provide modelna vaccines to students prior to the state’s J & J program, said university spokesman Seth Boges.
“When we paused, we mostly emphasized that there are existing options and that student schedules are done through the same contacts as Wright doctors,” Boges said.
According to university spokesman Ben Johnson, there were no J & J appointments on Tuesday in Ohio. Students who sign up for vaccination at the Schottenstein Center will receive Pfizer doses. The university also offers shuttle rides for students to get in and out of their appointments.
Should students be vaccinated now or after the end of the semester?
The question many students are currently working on, regardless of what the vaccine school offers, is whether to get vaccinated before the end of the semester.
The spread of the virus can be prevented as part of DeWine’s efforts to vaccinate as many students as possible on campus before they are scattered across states and countries for summer vacation. Studies show that few young people are very ill with COVID-19, but DeWine wants to prioritize vaccination because college students are “important carriers” of the virus and interact more often with others. Said.
Dr. Iahn Gonsenhauser, Chief Quality and Patient Safety Officer at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, says it may be a bit inconvenient to book a vaccine between studying for an exam, but it’s better than getting sick. I did.
“Get over some hoopsSafe and effective vaccines are a step towards returning to the college experience students have come to expect, “said Gonsenhauser.
For students whose campus homes are not near their hometown, some wonder if it makes sense to get vaccinated now if they aren’t around because of their second promise. I will.
According to Johnson, The Ohio State University continues to strongly encourage students, faculty, and staff to take advantage of the vaccination program, regardless of where they are at home.
“Students leaving Columbus for summer vacation should check with their local vaccination provider to see if the first vaccination elsewhere will be given a second vaccination,” Johnson said. Said. “Students within driving distance of Columbus can return to the shot for the second dose.”
Ohio University requires students to confirm that they can be in Athens 21 days after the first dose to receive a second dose, the university said in a statement.
Batey said the most important thing is to start the vaccination schedule at least at school, even if the student does not go after the final exam.
“A single dose is very effective,” said Batey. “The most important thing is to get those antibodies working.”
Batey says people are at least partially vaccinated because countries like Canada and the United Kingdom, which do not have the same vaccine supply as the United States, schedule Pfizer and Modana appointments up to three months apart. Said.
BGSU is also helping students schedule appointments with the local health department that may not live in the area, Baty said.
About 80% of Wright State University students live in and around Dayton, Boges said. Whether students return to campus for a second vaccination or find one in the community, Bauguess said there are many options for students to get vaccinated.
“Is it a dandy as convenient as J & J? No, but many students should be able to get it back to get a second dose,” Boges said. “It’s a victory to be able to offer something right away until you understand what’s happening at Johnson & Johnson.”
Gonsenhauser urged students not to hesitate to get vaccinated because J & J has been suspended.
“Pfizer and Moderna are designed with significantly different technologies, so there’s no reason to speculate that they have the same side effects as those seen at Johnson & Johnson,” he said.
Gonsenhauser said it was the youth’s turn to stop the spread of COVID-19, as many older people are completely vaccinated against the virus.
“If you’re not careful, more cases can happen again. No one wants it,” he said.
@ sheridan120
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