Learn more about the new Colorado Initiative to provide free treatment to teens to address mental health issues
It is becoming a cliché to say that the United States is facing a mental health crisis. It looks like no one is willing to step up and do anything about it, but we can all expect to increase regularity and hear about it for a very long time.
Colorado is one of the states that is ultimately doing the right thing about mental health.
A single state joined the game with a conservative plan to change the status quo.In Colorado I made a plan We offer three free therapy sessions for teens. Motivated by a pandemic, House Bill 1258 provides state citizens under the age of 18 with free mental health screening and up to three additional appointments.
Children need early mental health intervention
Mental health is not just the problem faced by adults.In fact, half of all mental illnesses occur in children by that time They are only 14 years old.. Most of the rest develop before someone reaches the age of 24. 50-80% of school children I am affected by mental health issues.
Sadly, less than half of young people and young adults who develop mental illness have never been helped by mental illness.And in school-age children, suicide Second most common cause of death Behind an unintended injury.
Early detection is key. Many mental health conditions cannot be “cured” in the traditional sense, but they can be treated.
Regular efforts and a solid support system allow children to navigate their mental illness as well as adults.
There is Multiple coping strategies and treatments Developed specifically for children who can make a big difference in the long run.
Make a plan to deal with the specific situation of your child
One of the best ways to solve a teenage mental health problem is to plan for their needs. Working with schools to develop strategies to avoid challenges is important and can lead to academic success that can otherwise be out of reach.
Something like Flexible deadlines and teacher awareness It can be an easy solution to an ongoing problem.
Treatment and medication can help, as well as strong support from family and friends. Children are often too ashamed of mental health problems and associate them with a personal sense of failure.
Secret burdens create additional anxiety about teenage mental health
Creating a system for openly addressing mental illness is very important, especially for children and teens.
A basic understanding of what to do in the event of a problem is made widely available in schools, religious centers and other youth groups so that anyone in distress can access services to help them. You need to do so.
It’s a pretty low bar. A more important challenge manifests itself in the reality that even adult children often do not know how to help them.
Parents may not be as accustomed to mental health services as their children, and teachers are often untrained to recognize signs and orient students in the right direction.
School counselors are an obvious choice for early intervention, but most of them focus exclusively on scholars. Also, even if young people and children have the right information to help them find a resource, they do not have enough information to help all the students who need it. On average across the country, One counselor for every 461 students..
Even the best information and resources available are often not enough to make a dent.
As a result, funding and education need to be top-down, and existing services need to be expanded and normalized early in school.
The state can take the initiative to protect our children
For Colorado’s new teenage mental health initiative, there’s plenty of room for it to grow.
Money isn’t enough to create a lasting program for every teenager who wants to participate, but the state works with children and they can afford after three visits. You will find a therapist.
This is a great start at an important moment when the school is preparing to open the door and bring the students back into the classroom.provide Resources for those suffering from mental health It is correct to be evaluated and coordinated after a year full of long-term quarantine, distance learning and quarantine.
Hopefully Colorado can find more money to expand the program, and other states will notice it and follow suit. Resolving the American mental health crisis is not an easy task, but it appears in school-aged children, so tackling it early is a wise place to start.
Kevin Ranks, MFA is an editor and author. His fiction and non-fiction can be found in Here Comes Everyone, Pigeon Pages, Owl Hollow Press, The Huffington Post, The Riverdale Press and more.
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