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Doctors need to “prescribe” exercise to adults with slightly higher blood pressure and cholesterol

Doctors need to “prescribe” exercise to adults with slightly higher blood pressure and cholesterol


According to a new report, doctors should encourage healthy adults with slightly elevated blood pressure and cholesterol to sit less and exercise more to improve their heart health. ..

A scientific statement from the American Heart Association suggests that doctors write exercise “prescriptions” for people with mild to moderate hypertension and cholesterol. Prescriptions to health coaches and community centers Includes resources such as connections, as well as suggestions on how to increase your daily physical activity.

“For many of these patients, the first treatment strategy should be a healthy lifestyle change that begins with increased physical activity,” Bethany Barone Gibbs said in a news release. Gibbs said on Wednesday. He chairs the writing group for reports published in HyperTension magazine. He is also an associate professor in the Department of Health and Human Development and Clinical and Translation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.

An estimated 21% of adults in the United States (about 53 million) have blood pressure that is thought to be a little too high. It is measured by an upper number known as systolic blood pressure from 120 to 139 mmHg, or a lower number from 80 to 89 mmHg (diastolic blood pressure).

Similarly, about 28% of adults in the United States, or about 71 million, have slightly higher cholesterol levels. This is measured by a “bad” LDL cholesterol score above 70 mg / dL.

Both blood pressure and cholesterol guidelines suggest that people with a low or slightly higher risk of heart disease or stroke should be treated with lifestyle changes only. These include increased physical activity, weight loss, improved diet, smoking cessation, and reduced alcohol intake.

The new AHA statement recommends helping doctors ask patients about their level of physical activity on each visit, identify the activities they are enjoying, and connect them to resources. We also encourage and encourage doctors to make small improvements, such as walking and climbing stairs more often.

“In our world, where physical activity is increasingly excluded from our lives and the overwhelming default sits, the country and the world are further practicing quarantine and quarantine to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The message we have to do now It is more important than ever to continue our pursuit of “less sitting and moving more” throughout the day, “Gibbs said.

Studies have shown that increased physical activity can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 3-4 mmHg and LDL cholesterol by 3-6 mg / dL. The statement found that physically active people had a 21% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 36% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who were not active. I’m emphasizing.

Federal Physical Activity Guidelines recommend a cumulative 150 minutes of medium-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise per week, plus at least two strength training sessions per week.

However, there are no minimum requirements to receive benefits.

“Any trivial activity is better than doing nothing,” Gibbs says. “Even the first small increase of 5 to 10 minutes a day can bring health benefits.”

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