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San Mateo County leaders uncover the myth of the COVID-19 vaccine.Consider masking after resumption | Local news

San Mateo County leaders uncover the myth of the COVID-19 vaccine.Consider masking after resumption | Local news


Authorities and credible partners have a myth that may have contributed to vaccine hesitation, as COVID-19 vaccination rates are beginning to decline throughout San Mateo County while the state is preparing to reopen. We are working to get rid of it.

“These vaccines are very safe and effective overall,” said Dr. Anand Chabra, director of COVID-19 mass vaccination and medical director of the Family Health Service.

The county and its partners were prepared to hesitate to vaccinate due to false alarms or legitimate concerns. Authorities advertised the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination in a culture-sensitive message, providing residents with options. We have set up high-volume and micro-vaccination sites to reduce vaccine barriers.

As a result, more than 80% of counties over the age of 12 have been vaccinated so far. Officials who are confident that the county’s vaccination rate will be high have pointed out that this process could still take months.

According to Chabra, as the vaccination process progressed, some myths such as carrying a microchip became less common, but others such as infertility were carried over.

Talking about the rate at which the vaccine was developed, Chabra said the two-year process was shortened to months thanks to federal and public support, while federal funding helped drive research. Tens of thousands of test participants also facilitated progress, he said.

Three pharmaceutical companies currently using the vaccine, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, still need to follow all routine testing procedures to obtain an emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. And Chabra said, and both Pfizer and Moderna have submitted applications for full approval from the FDA, he said.

“The clinical trials were actually very fulfilling,” says Chabra. “No one was cutting corners.”

Chabra overturned the myth that vaccines can modify DNA. This is a rumor related to the messenger RNA technology in Pfizer and Moderna’s products. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine provokes an immune response by teaching cells how to make a harmless version of the protein present on the surface of the COVID-19 virus.

Once constructed, cells break down proteins and display them on the cell surface. Recognizing that some of the proteins do not belong to the cell, the immune system builds a response and later creates antibodies that can fight the actual COVID-19 virus.

Chabra said the science behind DNA, mRNA, vaccines, and viruses is complex and it’s difficult to recognize how each behaves differently. But in the end, the contents of the vaccine are of cells. He said it was impossible for doses to alter a person’s DNA because there was no way to reach the nucleus.

It’s also impossible to carry microchips or magnetic materials, as it’s mostly composed of pure water and a small amount of vaccine products, Chabra said. Chabra said these myths were created on the Internet using statements outside the context of technical executives.

Despite the participation of thousands of participants in the vaccine trial, the company has collected substantial information about how doses affect pregnant and those who wish to become pregnant. did not. Chabra said.

As a result, he said, residents may be cautious about accessing vaccines during pregnancy or when planning a pregnancy. Even months after vaccination, the science of vaccination Birth rates continue to be the number one concern raised by residents, despite the lack of evidence or the virus itself can lead to infertility.

“This may have made people concerned about infertility and pregnancy, but the guidance now is that COVID-19 is definitely a risk for pregnant women.”

However, some risks, such as very rare cases of blood clots, need to be weighed against the benefits of vaccination against the virus. Approximately seven cases were reported among women receiving Johnson & Johnson, and authorities temporarily suspended the use of the product.

With millions of doses already in place and a rigorous international surveillance system in place, Mr. Chabra said authorities are confident that the vaccine problem has been identified. Benefits of vaccination. Outweighs the risks and side effects, he said.

“In reality, medical interventions have some potential risks, but they also have many benefits. We are constantly weighing the tremendous benefits of COVID vaccines against the small risks of COVID vaccines. “Chabra said.

The pain from injections is also relatively low, but fear of injections causes anxiety about the vaccine, especially among children, he said, and scary adults could avoid vaccination sites altogether. Added that it is expensive.

Given the many recommendations from major agencies, there is widespread confusion as to whether residents should continue to wear face covers, said supervisor Dave Pine.

“There is a lot of confusion about the various orders from the country and the CDC,” Pine said. “I think people are naturally confused.”

County Health Officer Scott Morrow said in an email statement that the county would follow state guidance on masking determined by the California Department of Public Health.

Currently, fully vaccinated residents do not need a mask outdoors except in crowded areas, but they do need one in an indoor environment outside the home. Alternatively, unvaccinated residents should wear face covers outdoors if social distance cannot be maintained or if they are indoors.

On June 15, when the state plans to lift most business restrictions, Mask’s guidelines will be aligned with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, allowing fully vaccinated residents to resume many pre-COVID activities. ..

According to the CDC, two weeks after the end of the vaccination series, residents can enter outdoors or institution without wearing a mask and without keeping a social distance.

Workplace rules can vary, and state authorities are still finalizing them.

People less than two weeks after completing a series of vaccinations should continue to follow the current precautions outlined by the state. Recognizing the difficulty of distinguishing between those who have been vaccinated and those who have not, Pine suggested that residents continue to wear masks indoors.

“All the signs are positive and we are all eager to return to normal and not wear masks, but in certain situations until we are convinced that COVID is behind us. I think it’s wise to wear a mask, “Pine said.

Supervisor Carol Groom, who regularly advocates wearing masks, encourages residents to wear masks in public and will continue to wear them. She also noted that reports of colds and flu decreased during the winter, when masks were common in the county.

“Vaccines have certainly changed the situation, especially the high percentages we have achieved,” Groom said. “Wearing a mask keeps me safe, especially in very public places where many people gather.”

Similarly, the supervisory board chairman, David Kanepa, said he was encouraged by the high vaccination coverage. The supervisor said he was planning a reopening event on June 15, and about 150 participants were encouraged to wear masks for inspiration, but not obliged.

“I’m all driven by science,” Kanepa said. “At the beginning of this pandemic, I told everyone to wear a terrible mask. Thanks to the vaccination, I’ll throw away the damn mask on June 15th.”


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