What you need to know about rabies
The Larimer County Health Department has warned residents of the importance of vaccination of pets with rabies after Laporte bats test positive for rabies.
The bat was in contact with the dog. However, the county said that dogs are properly vaccinated against rabies, and by keeping rabies vaccinated up-to-date, “a long and costly quarantine in the event of encountering a rabies animal. — Or even euthanasia ”he said.
by Rabies Map in Larimer CountyThe bat was located on June 7th, 3700 blocks on West County Road 54G in Laporte, northwest of Laporte’s Old Feed Store. This is the first and third animal to be tested in the county so far this year and tested positive for rabies. The other two were Mephits, both of which lived in Loveland, south of Highway 34, USA.
In the neighboring Weld County, five scanks have tested positive for rabies so far this year, all of which were found in the southern part of the county. Rabies Map of Weld County..
Rabies is most common in skunks and bats in Larimer County, but it is also known to invade other animals.
Last year, 20 animals were found infected with rabies in Larimer County. There are 10 bats, 8 skunks, 1 fox and 1 puma.Is Puma attacked two people west of Loveland in March 2020, including a deputy for the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office.According to previous Colorado reports, this is the first puma to test positive for rabies in Colorado, at least since 2015.
According to the Larimer County Health Department, some of the possible signs that an animal may be infected with rabies include:
- This animal is usually nocturnal, such as skunks and bats, but is active during the day.
- The animal is stumbling, weakened, or paralyzed.
- When humans and pets approach, animals are unusually aggressive or tame.
Learn more about rabies, what to do if you are bitten by an animal, and how to protect yourself and your animal.
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Rabies transmission and treatment
It is a disease that can be cured almost 100% if treated immediately. When clinical symptoms appear, it is almost always a fatal disease. Treatment is with human rabies immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine on the day of exposure to rabies and then again on days 3, 7, and 14.
Rabies virus is transmitted by direct contact with the saliva and brain / nervous system tissues of infected animals and injured skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. This virus infects the human central nervous system.
People are usually infected with rabies by being bitten by rabies wild animals. In Colorado, bats and skunks make up the majority of cases of rabies, but any mammal can be infected.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a person can be infected with rabies from exposures other than bites, such as wounds, abrasions, and open wounds exposed to saliva and other potentially infectious substances in animals infected with rabies. There is sex, but it is rare.
According to the CDC, other types of contact, such as stroking rabies animals and contact with blood, urine, and feces, are not considered a rabies-concerned exposure, regardless of the risk of infection.
The CDC recommends that pets be vaccinated against rabies, as pets can get rabies from wildlife and infect humans.
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What if you are bitten by an animal that may be infected with rabies?
If you are bitten by an animal in a closed area, try to contain the animal. If you get caught, you can test for rabies. A negative test may mean a reduction in medical costs after exposure. Seek medical attention for all animal bites and wounds.
Contact the Larimer County Health and Environment Department at 970-498-6700 or After potential rabies exposure. This department helps to coordinate animal rabies tests and determine if humans and pets need preventative action. Public health can also discuss potential exposures when animals are not available for testing and determine risk.
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How can I protect my pet from rabies?
Visit your vet with your pet on a regular basis to keep all cats, ferrets and dogs rabies vaccinated up to date. Rabies vaccines should also be kept up to date on horses and livestock.
Keep your pet in control by keeping your cat and ferret indoors and keeping your dog under direct supervision.
Perform sterilization and castration of pets to reduce the number of unwanted pets that are not properly cared for or regularly vaccinated.
These animals may not be vaccinated or may be ill, so please contact Animal Care to remove all stray animals from your neighborhood.
Sarah Kyle is a content coach in Colorado Ann. Contact her at [email protected]. Buy a digital subscription today to support the work of her and other Colorado journalists.
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