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Shortland Street actor Francis Mossman found dead in Sydney aged 33


Actor Francis Frankie Mossman, who has appeared on Shortland Street, Spartacus and The Horizon, was found dead over the weekend.

The 33-year-old, originally from New Zealand but living in Sydney, appeared in Shortland Street in 2006 before moving to Sydney 10 years ago where he became known in Horizon and Sparticle.

Paul Layton, who starred alongside Mossman in the web series Horizon, Recount Australia Daily Mail, Mossman had struggled during the covid lockdown with job uncertainty.

“There seems to be an epidemic of isolated loss of people these days that no one seems to be talking about,” Layton said. “The unfortunate thing about Franny, I think, was her beauty. It was the least interesting thing about him because he was so funny and weird and I loved it. She was such a beautiful person in every sense of the word.

Her death comes just three weeks after the death of fellow soap opera star Dieter Brummer, after also struggling with the covid lockdown.

On August 4, the star uploaded several photos of him in bed with his puppy Cavoodle Piper.

“Pup doesn’t like lockdown…” he wrote.

Prior to that, he had posted another photo of himself that looked unimpressed, saying “I’m excited for at least four more weeks of lockdown.”

Mossman had lost his beloved five-year-old dog, Hoff, in May.

The untimely death got the actor talking about his mental health issue.

“I feel a little sad all the time, but knowing that I had Hoff made me feel so good. I never cry, but for the past two days I have cried uncontrollably, ”he said at the time.

His brothers Laurence and Jeremy have also posted tributes to their older brother, as has his mother May.

“Rest in peace now, my son. You know how much we loved you, Francis. You left a huge void in our hearts, ”she wrote.

The Casting Guild of Australia has set up the Shoulder2Shoulder campaign to support actors doing it hard.

“No generation of actors have gone through the upheavals and emotional upheavals you have experienced over the past 18 months,” President Dave Newman said in a video message. “Ironically, it’s you guys who are culturally pulling us out of this shitty fight. You are the ones we watch overly, you are the ones we hang on to your every word. You are essential.




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