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ShortBox Comics Fair to Showcase 48 Artists with New Material – The Hollywood Reporter


UK independent comic book publisher ShortBox is set to host a month-long digital comic book fair in October, featuring 48 artists producing all-new material.

“With so many of us still inside, I wanted to have an online event / digital platform that gives readers the ability to purchase a whole range of new comics – an event that reflects what I want any comic book festival, whether online or in person: to explore and discover new comics and new artists, ”founder Zainab Akhtar said in a statement.

All the creators involved in the festival will be releasing a brand new comic, from 16 to 60 pages, digitally and exclusively from the ShortBox Gumroad from October 1 to 31. During the first weekend of the ShortBox Comics Fair (October 2-3), all comics will get a special price.

Artists participating in the event include mainstream creators like David Lafuente (Harley quinn, The Ludocrats), Warwick Johnson Cadwell (Our encounters with evil) and Victoria Ying (Diane, Princess of the Amazons) to independent stars like Sophia Foster-Dimino and Molly Mendoza.

The creators involved in ShortBox Comics Fair 2021 are: Bianca Bagnarelli, Sarula Bao, Nicolette Bocalan, Steph Bulante, Warwick Johnson Cadwell, Allissa Chan, Hana Chatani, Cynthia Cheng, Anabel Colazo, Helena Covell, Diigii Daguna, Joe Decie, Molly Fairhurst, Sophia Foster-Dimino, Abelle Hayford, Joy Ho, Kiku Hughes, Jamie Kinroy, Tom Kneeshaw, David Lafuente, Isaac Lenkiewicz, Eve Liu, Rowan MacColl, Molly Mendoza, Sas Milledge, Mochipanko, Aatmaja Pandaya, Arantza Pena Popo, Jana Ribkina, Philippa Rice, Riddle, Mariel Rodriguez, Sathya, Ben Sears, Niv Sekar, Elle Shivers, Joe Sparrow, Hamish Steele, Lizzy Stewart, Sunmi, Nuria Tamarit, Becca Tobin, CAP Ward, Sarah Webb, Jean Wei, Jennifer Xiao and Victoria Ying .

ShortBox was founded in 2016 by journalist and publisher Akhtar and publishes comics in box form.

It is one of the leading independent publishers of contemporary independent comics and has published comics from an eclectic roster of talent including Rosemary Valero O’Connell, Lissa Treiman, James Stokoe, Emily Carroll, and Aminder Dhaliwal. ShortBox has also received several Eisner Award nominations.




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