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Isha Koppikar: Shilpa Shetty and Anushka Sharma burst the bubble that women’s careers overcome after marriage | Hindi movie news

Isha Koppikar: Shilpa Shetty and Anushka Sharma burst the bubble that women’s careers overcome after marriage |  Hindi movie news


Isha Koppikar may have been out of sight for the past few years, but she certainly hasn’t lost her mind. The actress remains connected with her fans on social media and is now preparing to make a comeback with a slew of OTT projects. As the actress turned 45 on September 19, ETimes reached out to her to find out how she celebrated her birthday. During the conversation, the actress looked back on her career and also discussed the way forward for her. Extracts:

How did you celebrate your birthday this year?
I celebrated my birthday with my family and friends, keeping all protocols in mind. There were a lot of chocolates and cakes.

What is your fondest childhood memory of your birthday?
I lived in a large corporation with 7-8 buildings. We had a great circle of friends and we all got together to celebrate birthdays. I used to bake my own cake when I was a kid; my mother taught me how to do it.

One of the best birthday gifts you have ever received
We all love surprises and I’m no different. One of the most memorable birthday gifts was what my mom planned when I was 7-8 and then did it again when I was 15 and my freshman year of college. When I came home from school or college, my friends were waiting for me with samosas and cakes. They would wish me a happy birthday; these little things add so much light to our lives. They mean a lot to me.

What did you wish for your special day?
I wished this whole world was filled with a lot of love and compassion. I wish all wars had ended. I wished people would stop judging each other and have unconditional love for each other so that everyone would be happy and content. And in this, they do not forget God because unfortunately, we only remember God during a crisis. We must remember Him at all times, not just the most rowdy, and have excellent inner communication.

Not coming from a cinematic family, what attracted you to showbiz?
I was in the performing arts from my college days and participated in extracurricular activities. I liked the art of acting; it was just obvious that I would be in the profession.

You had the best of both worlds when you started your career in the South and slowly made your transition to Bollywood. Was working in these industries different?
The South is a very different market. The storytelling style and languages ​​are different. It has its advantages and disadvantages. But cinema is a universal language in itself.

Earlier you talked about being replaced by star kids, throwing a couch, and even being tagged. Despite everything, how do you see your career so far?
My trip was a roller coaster ride. I succeed in my own way. I accomplished what I had planned. Currently, it is about talent with the advent of the OTT. The concept of star kids is fading day by day and talent is being recognized.

You have been a part of some notable films in your career. Which film is most important to you and why?
Don was awesome; it was my dream to work with Shah Rukh Khan and it was great to share the screen space with him. The whole process was such a learning experience. Other than that, Kya Kool Hain Hum was also good as I was recognized as an actor with comedic timing for it. It has become my forte. I also received a lot of praise for Shabri for trying out the character of a gangster.

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Of all the actors you’ve worked with, which has it been the most fun working with?
It must be Shah Rukh Khan. He is a meticulous gentleman and has an unparalleled sense of humor. He is an extremely generous actor.

Any interesting anecdotes that you would like to share with us?
When I’m on sets, I’m extroverted. We have great conversations and we create amazing memories.

The OTT has been a game-changer for many players. What do you think of the digital space?
OTT was a game-changer for talent. There are no tags and the talent is recognized and we are in direct competition with the world out there. I want to do quality work. I want to be recognized as a fantastic actor. I am a passionate actor and I want to be part of content-oriented projects. There is so much to explore there.

If you were to make your debut in today’s era, what genre of films would you like to be a part of?
I would love to be a part of a cute movie, maybe something like Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.

A recent Bollywood movie that you found amazing and wished you had been a part of?
I recently watched Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advanis Shershaah. It was an incredible love story. I loved the movie.

Were you a movie buff as a child? Who have you idolized during your growing years?
Of course, I was a movie buff! I have been going to the theater since I was very young. I admired Kajol and Tabu for their acting prowess, Madhuri Dixit for his dancing, Sridevi and Hema Malini for their expressions and comedic timing. They were all amazing! I manifested my dream of becoming an actress from an early age.

Tell us about your love story with Timmy Narang. How did the love blossom between you two?
Timmy and I met at a gym. He is a restaurateur and hotelier. He invited me to taste some of his healthy foods. We were friends on the phone and after three years we started dating. We dated for a year and then got married.

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How do you appreciate motherhood?
My daughter Rianna is the most important part of my life. She is one of the nicest children. She’s more like a friend and helps me stay childish.

Previously, it was believed that the career of an actress would be over after marriage. Actresses like you change mentalities …
Actresses like Shilpa Shetty and Anushka Sharma have made such a difference for all women. I feel like we finally had to get out of the bubble that life will be over for women after marriage. All we do is do things that we are really passionate about and if in the process we inspire others then that is great.

A younger actress who you think has potential?
I think Shreya Dhanwantary, Sanya Malhotra and Radhika Madan have incredible potential.

And after?
There are several upcoming OTT projects waiting for me. I will announce them soon.




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