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‘Spiderhead’ is an ugly name for a movie not much better | Entertainment

‘Spiderhead’ is an ugly name for a movie not much better |  Entertainment


“Spiderhead” was made for promos — Chris Hemsworth! Thousand Teller! The director of “Top Gun: Maverick!” The writers of “Deadpool!” – without adding much of a movie. Produced for Netflix, it’s another sci-fi concept set roughly 10 minutes in the future, though its tech chatter about manipulating the brain doesn’t help sell what’s on screen.

Adapted from a New Yorker short story, the premise involves a near-future penitentiary that requires no bars, as inmates are vetted and run the place in exchange for wearing surgically implanted devices that allow their guards to control them. control. psychotropic drugs.

Yet it becomes painfully clear almost immediately that the establishment’s owner, Steve (Hemsworth, whose Physics of “Thor” is effectively hidden through a wardrobe), uses this space-age innovation to experiment with their charges, employing the tools of a fast-talking salesman to convince them to “honor our arrangement” and that this system is all to their advantage.

It’s not, but the extent to which Steve turns them into human guinea pigs is slowly happening, as he seems to be researching real world applications for this technology that could extend far beyond prison, into a “Ne Don’t trust big pharma.” way.

Meanwhile, a more conventional bond begins to form between two of the inmates, Jeff (Teller), who seems to be one of Steve’s favorite subjects; and Lizzy (Jurnee Smollett), who, like Jeff, heals the scars of the outside world.

Director Joseph Kosinski had time while “Maverick” sat on the shelf to go out and make this relatively small, almost claustrophobic film, although this movie still grossed big theatrically, it’s hard to imagine its masters would have chosen this understated dud – written by “Deadpool” Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick but showing little of that franchise’s exuberant energy – for its next project.

For Netflix, the tantalizing mix of elements in “Spiderhead” — a really ugly title, by the way, despite the arachnid marketing — is probably enough to propel the film into its most popular tier, which can surely be hailed as a sort of victory according to the criteria that the service uses to count the points.

Still, it’s more of a giveaway to Netflix’s marketing department than the viewers who brave its website. Because it’s one of those movies that gets forgotten almost as soon as it ends, and it doesn’t even require chemical intervention to erase the memory of it.

“Spiderhead” premieres June 17 on Netflix. It is rated R.

& 2022 Cable News Network, Inc., a WarnerMedia company. All rights reserved.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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