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Marvel dishes take over Disney's Hollywood Hotel in Hong Kong

Marvel dishes take over Disney's Hollywood Hotel in Hong Kong


HONG KONG — The archivist at Disney's Hollywood Hotel in Hong Kong has expanded its menu with dishes inspired by different characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Disney's Hollywood Hotel is slowly preparing to open Marvel-themed rooms to guests, and one of its restaurants is getting a head start on the superhero excitement.

The restaurant itself is decorated with items from the MCU. The television screens broadcast shots of said objects and costumes on a loop, and concept art adorns its vast wall.

Now, with a new menu from chefs Mike Wong and John Chan, Marvel fans' meals are sure to be more enjoyable.

First among the starters is the Iron Toast, waffles wearing Iron Man's helmet accompanied by Baba Ghanoush and pomegranate jelly.

Next is the Caesar Salad with Supreme Selection inspired by the supreme intelligence of the Kree, with garlic butter shrimp, romaine lettuce and cheese, then a choice of smoked salmon or flat iron steak.

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Another salad option is the Infinity Stones-inspired Gems Platter, a salad made with smoked salmon, tofu, avocado, Parma ham, cheese, egg and marinated beef and pear.

Also in the selection, the Infinity Bowl of marinated tomatoes and balsamic powder decorated with a mozzarella ball.

Quantum Burgers, which take their name from the “Ant-Man” films, are likely to be popular with children. These are colorful sliders of heroes like Iron Man and Hulk, who are either beef, chicken or fish.

The entrees are rounded out with potato variations, inspired by the multiverse variations popularized by “Loki”, which are simply potatoes served in four different ways: fried, crisped, wedged or baked.

The first of the two main courses has a similar name because it is made with four different kinds of chicken, each cooked in different kitchens.

These are Tandoori Chicken Lollipops, Garlic Butter Chicken Wings, Kung Pao Style Chicken Wings and Chicken Cartilage Skewers in Japanese Ginger Sauce.

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The second half of the main courses is the Ragnarok Medley, portions of meat inspired by the “Thor” films using icons like Thor's hammer Mjölnir, Loki's helmet and Hulk's fist.

Dishes here are diced beef boneless short ribs, flat iron steak, bone marrow, Nuremberg sausage, plus focaccia toast and chimichurri on the side.

There are also two desserts. One of them is also inspired by “Thor” called Asgardian Cheat Day, which is a platter consisting of a chocolate brownie, chocolate cream and spicy chocolate lava cake.

The second are the Sovereign Spheres, inspired by the Sovereign in “Guardians of the Galaxy” created by the High Evolutionary, a passion fruit marshmallow with a chocolate sponge interior and edible gold leaves on a “laser beam lollipop”. — Video by Christopher Purnell, edited by Anjilica Andaya


Editor's Note: The trip to Disney's Hollywood Hotel was organized by Disneyland and Klook. At no time do host organizations have any say in which stories are generated through media coverage, interviews conducted, the date of publication, and the treatment of the story. The content is produced solely by following editorial guidelines.

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