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Bollywood roundup: Priyanka Chopra, Roop Durgapal, Sriya Reddy, and more…

Bollywood roundup: Priyanka Chopra, Roop Durgapal, Sriya Reddy, and more…


Priyanka shares a glimpse of her daughter Malti cradled in the arms of her mother Madhu

Mumbai– Indian actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas has shared a glimpse of her daughter Malti Marie cradled in the arms of her mother Madhu Chopra on social media.

Priyanka took to Instagram to wish her mother Madhu on her birthday. She posted a photo with her mother where we can see her holding Malti Marie in her arms. However, Malti Marie’s face was not shown.

The ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’ actress captioned, “Happy Birthday Mom. May you always smile…that infectious smile of yours. You inspire me so much with your zest for life and everyday experiences!

“Your solo European tour was the best birthday party I’ve seen in a while. Love you to the moon and come back Nani. @drmadhuakhourichopra.

On the work side, Priyanka will then appear in “Jee Le Zaraa” by Farhan Akhtar.

She will also play in “Citadel” by the Russo Brothers.

Roop Durgapal takes a break from television and enjoys acting

Mumbai– Actress Roop Durgapal, famous for her portrayal of Sanchi in “Balika Vadhu” and her appearance in “Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi”, shares her interest in acting.

She says, “I’ve been doing theater for quite a while now. I think for an actor, it’s great to work in all mediums. I was associated with Rangshila Theater and it gave me the opportunity to explore myself as an actor and think beyond that too.

“I love doing theater and it has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.”

The actress is eager to explore mediums such as OTT and movies.

She adds, “Although I am now looking for good opportunities in the web space and films, I intend to stay connected to theater in one way or another.”

Sriya Reddy: Stories are the engine of success, language doesn’t matter

Mumbai– Tamil actress Sriya Reddy who is gearing up for the release of her upcoming series ‘Suzhal- The Vortex’ believes that the language of cinema is very universal in its essence as most of the rooted and local stories are preferred by the audience by everybody.

Expanding on the same, she said, “Content is key, you can’t falter with that and the language of cinema is universal. If the stories are brilliant, the language no longer matters. And, for clarity, the movies are dubbed and there are subtitles too, like in the case of ‘Suzhal – The Vortex’, which premieres in over 30 Indian and foreign languages.

She further mentioned, “Today’s most rooted and local stories are watched and loved around the world. Indian cinema needs to get on the world stage, it is already doing that, but we need to push it a little bit harder, try a little bit harder.

Agreeing with her, co-actress Kathir added, “People who watch ‘Suzhal – The Vortex’, all over the world, will be fascinated by the cultural nuances, the micro-festival and the storytelling based in a small village in the southern India.”

Explaining the physical setting of the show, Aishwarya Rajesh said, “The content of our show is very rural and interesting. It is shot in the interiors of Tamil Nadu. Right now, something this regional has the potential to find an audience across the country and hopefully around the world, because people are always eager to learn more, attend something new.

“Suzhal- The Vortex” will air on June 17 on Prime Video, in over 30 Indian and foreign languages ​​including French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Castilian Spanish, Spanish Latin, Arabic, Turkish and Japanese.

Shriya Pilgaonkar: I don’t want to give people the opportunity to stereotype me

Mumbai– Actress Shriya Pilgaonkar says she is here to show off her versatility through her performances and consciously seek out projects that keep her from being stereotyped.

Shriya says, “It’s surreal at this point that my shows ‘Guilty Minds’ and ‘The Broken News’ have such critical appreciation and love from viewers. This is truly an exciting new phase in my career and I have nothing but gratitude for the love and appreciation that is coming my way.

“It means a lot to receive messages, especially from young girls who have been inspired by the characters of Kashaf and Radha. I never took that for granted.

She added, “After playing a forensic expert, a lawyer and a journalist, I’m now doing a comedy-drama ‘Taaza Khabar’ with Bhuvan Bam where I’m playing a sex worker. It’s different from anything I’ve ever done. ‘ve done before, which is super exciting.

“There’s another movie in the works, kind of a romantic comedy. I want to keep challenging myself and I don’t want to give people the opportunity to stereotype me in any way, that’s why I consciously seek out different genres and characters, and I also want to explore more films.

She is waiting for the release of ‘Crackdown’ season 2, ‘Taaza Khabar’, a romantic comedy and some exciting titles.

Kicked: Amit Antil to play footballer in ‘Aveer’

Mumbai– TV actor Amit Antil is learning how to play football for his upcoming Bollywood movie ‘Aveer’ which will be directed by Suzad Iqbal Khan.

He shares, “I have already finished filming my two movies and was currently enjoying a break at home. I was looking for a new project and when I was approached for the film.

“I loved the story of the film and I play a sportsman. It is an emotional love story of a football player. We will go to Kashmir for filming in July.

Amit who made popular shows like ‘Savdhaan India: India Fights Back’, ‘Kalash…Ek Vishwaas’ and others started learning how to play football.

“In real life, I like to play sports. I like cricket, but I have played football many times. I feel lucky to learn how to play the game professionally. I am delighted to start my shoots, ”he adds.

Amit feels blessed for the way his acting career is taking shape. He has completed filming for his upcoming Bollywood films “Zufash” and “Mujahid” and a web series “Akhada”.

“I am happy that my hard work and dedication is receiving some sunshine. I am fulfilling a dream career as an actor. I couldn’t have asked for anything else,” concludes Amit.

Aaditi Pohankar explains how emotionally draining it was to play her role in ‘She’

Mumbai– Actress Aaditi Pohankar says it was very difficult for her to play the character of Bhumika Pardeshi in the web series “She”. Aaditi is seen portraying an undercover cop and an undercover seductress.

She says it was emotionally draining to play this role to perfection.

“The second season will give much more context to Bhumika’s past. As an artist, I like to perform challenging roles that allow me to experience a variety of emotions,” says the actress who was seen in the Marathi action movie “Lai Bhaari” and rose to fame with the web series “She” and “Aashram”.

She further shares how the role impacted her mind and how she connects emotionally with her character.

“During the filming of Season 2, there were days when I went to a corner and cried because I deeply empathized with what Bhumika was going through. There are a lot of Bhumikas in this world. , her plight and pain will resonate with many women,” she adds.

The series also stars Kishore Kumar G, Vishwas Kini, Shivani Rangole, Sam Mohan, Suhita Thatte among others in key roles. Written and created by Imtiaz Ali, the series is directed by Arif Ali and produced by Viacom18 Studios’ Tipping Point and Window Seat Films.

Prabhas postpones ‘Project K’ filming to help Deepika recover from health crisis

Mumbai– Telugu superstar Prabhas, who will share the screen with Deepika Padukone in ‘Project K’, has asked directors to postpone filming for a week after Deepika was rushed to hospital after feeling unwell comfortable on set.

Reports say that Prabhas, who was shooting for the movie with ‘Piku’ actress in Hyderabad, asked the producers to bring the schedule forward by a week to help Deepika recover from her illness.

“Project K” marks Deepika and Prabhas’ first film together. It is also Deepika’s first Telugu film. The film also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Disha Patani in key roles and is directed by Nag Ashwin.

Last month, the director revealed that the film was in the early stages of filming. Nag Ashwin tweeted in Telugu: “We recently completed a calendar. Prabhas’ intro track was shot in this program. The project is still in the early stages of filming, so there’s still plenty of time for promotions. But rest assured, Prabhas fans, we put our hearts and souls into this film. (IANS)




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