Johnny Depp appeared in some of the biggest movies of the 2000s and 2010s and made a lot of money. While some may think his biggest payoff came from his time as Captain Jack Sparrow, it was actually a different movie.
According to The Management Group (via Initiated), which is Depp’s former management company, the actor earned more than $650 million during his 13 years with the company, from 1999 to 2016. After filming a few pirate movies, Depp starred as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland. He ended up earning even more on the backend of that film, with around $55 million on top of the $20 million he received at the start, making it his highest earner on a single film.
Obviously, one of his biggest roles was for Pirates of the Caribbean where he played Captain Jake Sparrow. The article states that after Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Blake Pearl, Depp started earning $20 million per movie on a regular basis. Also, according to THR, Depp also gained around 20% on the backend. This brought his total to more than $40 million per pirate film. Then when the pirate sequels came out Depp ended up earning over $40 million per sequel on the backend alone, according to THR. Although that was a lot of money, he ended up earning another $15 million from Alice in Wonderland compared to Pirates.
The Insider article notes that Depp films like the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, Alice in Wonderlandand the 2014 musical In the woods was released while the films were still receiving “top-notch home entertainment releases and cable playback.” The article says he took home $25.7 million in residuals.
In 2018, Depp was asked to step down from Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald because he lost a libel case against a British newspaper. He appeared in a scene from the movie and, according to the article, he had a “pay or play” deal and he was paid $16 million. he was later replaced by Mads Mikkelsen for Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets.
Depp is currently in the midst of a lot of drama with his ex-wife Amber Heard. The actor sued her over a response she wrote for The Washington Post that explained her experience with Depp and domestic violence. At the end of the trial, Depp was awarded $15 million in damages from Heard, and Heard was awarded $2 million from Depp. Heard is now trying to appeal the defamation case.
Apparently, the actor had verbally agreed to a $22.5 million deal for sixth installment in the pirate franchise. However, everything between Depp and Heard has put a lot of projects on hold, and has impacted his net worth. The actor also revealed that since his pirate days when he “not only lost $650 million“, but he also had” 100 million dollars in the hole “. The actor too sold his 10-bedroom, 10-bathroom mansion in Australia for a record $40 million.
So over the years Depp has made and lost a lot of money. As the face of a massive franchise, it makes sense his net worth is so high and why the Alice in Wonderland agreement could be higher. However, he has lost a lot in recent years, and with the drama between him and Heard still unfolding, it will be interesting to see if he loses or gains anything financially in the future.
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