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The journey to the big screen: one-on-one with actor Mir Sarwar

The journey to the big screen: one-on-one with actor Mir Sarwar


Mir Sarwar in Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015). Courtesy of Salman Khan Films.

Essential to understand the world and the profession in order to create films that make a difference in society

By Rhys Gonsalves

MAND Sarwar, a valley actor who made his Bollywood debut in Kabir Khan’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan, is now making a name for himself in the industry.

He has given remarkable performances in his roles in movies and web series and is not only doing Hindi movies but also Marathi movies as his movie “Ravrambha” is set to hit theaters on May 12.

Mir Sarwar spoke briefly with Kashmir Observer about his background and experiences in the Bollywood film industry.

What made you move to Mumbai and pursue an acting career? What was the influence?

Mumbai is, of course, the final destination for anyone who wants to become an actor so they can be part of movies and web series. I first spent most of my time in Delhi. I did my acting, modeling and basic training there, and worked in theaters for many years. I was athletic in Kashmir which helped me in other areas. After 5-6 years in theatre, I saved some money and planned to move to Mumbai but for various reasons couldn’t. But after some time I moved to Mumbai and started visiting the city for film purposes.

How do you feel about becoming an actor/director and creating art? How important is formal education?

Each area requires a certain level of expertise, whether gained by doing, helping, or being part of groups. It all depends on your situation. Everyone comes from a different background. Nobody can plan things in advance, and some people are lucky that their family is stable and ready to help them financially, especially financially, and that they accept their path and their choice of career. Most people are not so lucky. Many societies do not accept or support film and acting. Things have changed in recent years, but that hasn’t always been the case. It is essential to study and rely on education. Never rely on just one thing in life. Complete your studies, whatever you do in life, and if you want to get into this field, there are many institutions you can enroll in many cities, and if you are really serious and your family supports you, it is a blessing, especially financially. Chase your dreams, nothing can stop you. Acchi niyat se aage badho toh uparwala bhi saath deta hai!

What movies did you watch growing up, and where/how did you watch them in Kashmir?

It was only Doordarshan when I was a kid, and we had no say in what kind of movies we watched. But I’ve always liked sensible films. And I have always loved watching Bollywood movies as well as other movies from my childhood. I remember an incident in 1996, when I was traveling for sporting events and championships. I read all the magazines, and on Filmfare there was a list of movies that came out that year. There were 120 films released that year, and I saw them all in theaters. I used to always extend my stay in a particular city or Jammu. So I can watch all the movies, and most of the cinemas in Jammu are nearby. I remember there were three or four showings a day and I was running from one theater to another to see the film in time. To save money, I didn’t take the bus or an auto rickshaw. It was my obsession. And as I got older, I started watching world cinema, including French, Iranian and other films, as well as Bollywood and Hollywood classics. It is essential to understand the world and the profession in order to create films that can make a difference in society. Tell the world your story as an actor and filmmaker. It pays to learn the craft, develop your own basic idea that you believe in, and then hire professionals in each department so you can do the story justice.

How has Mumbai treated you so far?

Mumbai has been extremely kind to me, and it’s the best city in terms of acting and filmmaking professions. There are no obstacles if you have talent and potential. Nobody can stop you, and there is no prejudice in Mumbai. If you have the talent and the dedication. If you are dedicated to your craft, there will be no obstacles. There are no obstacles and no one can stop you. And, yes, you have to work very hard to make contacts. You can only do this if you know people and have met them. In terms of acting, auditions are the best way to find work. That takes time. It does not happen in a day, a month or even several months. It can sometimes take years, but all you have to do is hang in there.

What are your thoughts? What were your first challenges as a Kashmiri when you first moved to Mumbai?

Every city has its own challenges, and moving to Mumbai was no exception. I also went to these auditions and parties, was liked and got work. It’s a long, never-ending process, and you keep learning until the end. And yes, I always advise young people to work on their skills, to work on their language, their gestures and their accent, and to learn new things. You have cell phones, so record your voice, listen to it and correct it. Create fun reels, scenes, and auditions, then upload them to YouTube and share them with your teachers. Every town has a teacher, every town has a theater troupe, and every town has an institute, big or small. If you’re an actor, it’s always a good idea to join a theater group. If you want to start singing, go see masters. Guru har cheez mein zaroori hota hai! So whatever field you want to pursue, all you have to do is read more and watch more good stuff. The Internet is the greatest invention of our time. You can search and google. It has advantages and disadvantages. You can harness its power. There’s a lot to learn on the internet, so check out some good stuff.

What is your ambition as an actor? What are your goals as an actor? Is there a specific genre you want to work in, or a specific director you want to work with?

As an actor, all I have to do is explore all the possibilities where I can demonstrate my versatility and work with all the great directors. Because whoever makes a film has worked extremely hard for many years and has a unique set of skills. So all I want to do is work with all the talented directors and filmmakers so that I can learn the craft and apply everything I learned from them in my films. Because I am also an independent filmmaker and we make independent films in Jammu and Kashmir, it will be beneficial for me to incorporate all the techniques that I learn from them into my films and stories. The stories I want to tell the world. It’s always a pleasure to collaborate with talented filmmakers, and I would love to work with all of them.

What is your opinion of Indian cinema and what role do you think it plays in changing public perceptions of Kashmir?

Anyone making a film about Kashmir should do their research and not follow the same formula as everyone else. Many films are made on the same subject, with only minor differences, but the central theme remains constant. There are many other aspects to Kashmir. There are also suitable subjects if you are making a film in Kashmir. Apart from that, a lot of people, whether rural or urban. Many people have a negative perception of Kashmir, and when they visit, they come back with a completely different perspective. At the very least, someone should do proper reconnaissance to understand the culture and many other things. The problem is that people just google things about it and check things out online. It is always better to visit places and conduct proper research before writing and producing a film about Kashmir in order to spread understanding. Because people who only watch TV channels and debates have a completely different perception and image of Kashmir.

You have worked with many experienced actors. What do you learn from working with such actors?

It’s always fun to work with different players in the industry. And because humans differ in looks, voices, and personalities, their acting style also differs. Everyone has their own individual and unique acting style, and although they use different techniques to portray, most actors use their own personality traits. Mir Sarwar as a person will be Mir Sarwar in a particular character, but there will be differences, mannerisms, observations, whatever the character requires. I’ve worked with talented actors before and learned a lot from them; I would love to work with even more so that I can continue to learn and perfect my craft.

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