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Robyn Gabel previews upcoming environmental legislation

Robyn Gabel previews upcoming environmental legislation


Illinois House Majority Leader Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) led a community discussion on the status of the state's environmental bills at the Evanston Public Library on Wednesday.

The Climate and Fair Jobs Act, co-sponsored by Gabel in 2021, sets a state goal of 100% clean energy by 2050. In 2022, renewable energy accounted for 14% of electricity generation. Illinois Energy.

Several environmental bills are also moving forward in the House, Gabel said. Among them is Rep. Anna Moeller’s (D-Elgin) bill to protect wetlands. Since the U.S. Supreme Court limited the federal government's ability to protect wetlands in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency last May, the Illinois Environmental Council made protecting the state's wetlands a top priority.

Moeller's bill ensures that Illinois' wetlands remain protected, but under state policy rather than the federal Clean Water Act. The bill came out of committee on March 13.

Gabel said lawmakers are also working on a statewide ban on plastic bags.

“We think it could happen either this year or as a lame duck, session between the old legislature and the new one,” Gabel said.

EPL hosted the event in collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Evanston. Members of the League and the community were present to learn more about environmental issues.

Among them was Peter Gann. With his wife and daughter working in the environmental industry, Gann said sustainability was a “big topic in (his) house”. He said the issue that concerned him most was the availability of charging ports for electric vehicles.

“I am very concerned about the deployment of charging stations to support the expansion of the use of plug-in hybrids,” he said. “There's no evidence of that happening here in Evanston, and I think we're seeing a slowdown in electric vehicle adoption, which is concerning.”

Kathy Hayes, who lives in the 9th Ward, said she attended the event to learn more about how to preserve the environment for herself, her family and her community.

“Anything that affects these other neighborhoods with large African-American populations will also affect the rest of the city. »

In particular, Hayes said she wants to learn more about problems due to pollution in the 2nd and 5th Wards.

Gabel said bills related to pesticides, carbon capture and local food infrastructure are also moving forward in committee. Few lawmakers supported climate action during her first term, making it “virtually impossible” to pass bills, she added.

“Things are very, very different now,” Gabel said. “We have a number of legislators who are environmental legislators. The green caucus has almost 60 people. We probably have enough votes ourselves to get something passed.”

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Twitter: @hannahe_webster

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