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King Charles calls for acts of friendship in his first public remarks since Kate's cancer diagnosis.

King Charles calls for acts of friendship in his first public remarks since Kate's cancer diagnosis.



King Charles III gave public remarks for Maundy Thursday, addressing the importance of acts of friendship, following his and Catherine, Princess of Wales's cancer diagnosis.

Audio message from the Kings broadcast during the annual Royal Maundy service at Thursday at Worcester Cathedral, England, were his first public comments since Catherine revealed she was undergoing chemotherapy. The princess' announcement ended months of speculation about her health.

Charles, who is also currently undergoing treatment for cancer, did not attend the service, leaving his wife Queen Camilla to distribute the traditional Maundy gifts on his behalf.

Queen Camilla's presence comes as Charles steps back from public duties while he receives outpatient treatment.

The king is, however, expected to attend church on Easter Sunday alongside his wife, marking his most important public appearance since his diagnosis.

Maundy Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday, is a Christian event that takes place every year on the Thursday before Easter. This is an ancient ceremony that dates back to 600 AD and marks howJesus washed his disciples' feetat the Last Supper.

Charles' recording for the service began with a reading of the First Lesson from the Gospel of John before expressing his great sadness at not being able to join the congregation, saying that the service held a very special place in my heart.

It finds its origin in the life of Our Lord who knelt before his disciples and, to their great surprise, washed their travel-weary feet. And, as we have just heard, in doing so he deliberately gave them, and all of us, an example of how we should serve and care for one another, the King said in his personal message.

In this country, we benefit from all the different services that exist for our well-being. But beyond these organizations and their selfless staff, we greatly need and benefit greatly from those who extend the hand of friendship, especially in times of need.

The British monarch used his message ahead of the Easter weekend to reiterate his coronation promise not to be served but to serve with all my heart.


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In the past, the monarch washed the feet of those who needed it. But in modern times, the ruler distributes specially minted coins to people in recognition of their services to the Church and the local community.

Queen Camilla will distribute the Maundy money in two purses, one red and one white, at Worcester Cathedral to 75 men and 75 women, in a nod to the King's era.

The King said in his message that the 150 men and women who will receive the holy silver are wonderful examples of such kindness; to go far beyond the call of duty and dedicate much of their lives to serving others in their communities.

Charles' message was recorded in mid-March, according to PA Media, and did not directly reference his or Kate's health.




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