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Faculty, students and guests 'dress to impress' for PAWS gayla | Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Faculty, students and guests 'dress to impress' for PAWS gayla |  Texas A&M University-San Antonio


It was an evening in which faculty, staff, students and allies of the local LGBTQ+ community were honored for their exemplary work within their communities.

THE Rainbow PAWS 2nd Annual Gayla Awards was hosted April 12 by Rainbow PAWS (Pride at Work and School) in the ceremony room at Patriots Casa.

Brian Jantz, Community Outreach Specialist at Apollo Wellness, welcomed guests. Apollo Wellness is a sexual health and wellness clinic and one of the sponsors of the evening event.

We do a lot within the LGBTQ community in San Antonio, Jantz said. We are here to show that support.

As guests Entering the ceremony room, the projector shared an All Are Welcome message.

The event included a catered dinner and non-alcoholic cocktails. Friends, family and faculty members gathered as a family and enjoyed a buffet dinner.

At 7 p.m., PAWS Secretary and Master of Ceremonies Sarah Dwyer introduced the keynote speaker, the Honorable Justice Rosie Gonzalez, who serves as a judge in County Court 13 in Bexar County.

Gonzalez practiced law for nearly 17 years, becoming the only attorney in South Texas to be certified as a child protection specialist by the National Association of Counsel for Children. During his legal career Gonzalez has represented hundreds of children in the welfare system and mentored numerous attorneys who have developed successful careers.

Gonzalez is also known for being the first openly gay Latina judge in Bexar County when she began serving on the bench.

Gonzalez shared an anecdote about his choice of vibrant costume. She was seen wearing a matching tiger print suit for the occasion.

I initially ordered, after Dr. Victor invited me, a jaguar print expedited suit, Gonzalez said. And this is what I received in the mail.

Gonzalez guided the audience through his life story has the difficulties she overcame growing up in the late 60s and early 70s.

Gonzalez graduated from high school at the top of his class. She was voted Most Likely to Succeed and attended Norwich University, the nation's oldest military college in Northfield, Vermont. She was one of three Latino students on campus and worked as a translator. She was elected the youngest student government president, but fell ill and was unable to return to school.

She transferred to St. Marys University in San Antonio and graduated in 1986 with a pre-law political science degree. She spent her law career days working with Catholic charities, communities and schools and as a special investigator with CPS.

Gonzalez's mother helped her pay for LSAT prep and her exam. She attended St. Marys and was selected to be her class speaker when she graduated in the spring of 1999.

I was a non-traditional graduate,” Gonzalez said. That means I wasn't 24 or 25 when I graduated. I was 33 years old.

She practiced law solo and was later elected as a county judge in 2018. This was not Gonzalez's first or second time running but her third attempt.

It's simply a reflection of my mothers who insist that no doesn't really mean no, Gonzalez said. No, just find another way, no, not right away, no, be patient.

Gonzalez explained how she learned a lot about political culture while running for judge. She shared that she felt that running absentee created a greater obstacle to her election.

I had never lived my life in a closet, Gonzalez said. I had always been absent, my parents had always supported me.

The event included the announcement of this year's winners. The organizers also shared the reasons why the winners were selected.

The winner of the Jaguar LGBTQ+ Award of the Year in the student category was Zachery Salazar. Salazar, a member of the Coalition and Psychology club, was unable to attend but left a call for unity to be read by the master of ceremonies.

Jaguar LGBTQ+ Award of the Year in the Teacher Category went to Rainbow PAWS Co-Presidents Sherry Patrick and Victor Gomez. Patrick and Gomez, whose efforts have profoundly impacted the visibility of LGBTQ+ communities on campus, were applauded for their work.

The Jaguar LGBTQ+ of the year in the Veterans category was René Orozco, WHO continues its strong commitment to supporting the LGBTQ+ community.

The following winners are A&M-San Antonio students.

The winner of the LGBTQ+ Jaguar Ally of the Year award was Maddison Morales. According to organizersMorales loves and appreciates the inclusiveness of the LGBTQ+ and multicultural communities.

This year's Harvey Milk Award winner was the Coalition. This on-campus organization strives to be inclusive and create an environment where students can be themselves.

This year's Silvia Rivera Award winner was Valen Bernal-Mendoza. Mendoza loves encouraging others to be themselves and is always open about his experiences while transitioning.

This year's Billy Porter winner was Rayne Pollardvice-president of The Coalition. Pollard recently helped plan the drag show party, where they helped with decorations and supplies.

This year's Jazz Jennings Award winner was Rosol SherbinI. ServeI am an international student determined to continue my studies and strive for success in the future.

Amy Schneider Award Winner was Cinthia Charissa Stagakes. Steps has demonstrated extraordinary dedication in his academic career at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.

This has been a great event for us and we appreciate everyone's support, Patrick said. So pat yourself on the back because this really takes all of us.




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