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If he loses, he won't go quietly

If he loses, he won't go quietly


Donald Trump has warned America that if he loses the presidential election, he reserves the right to encourage his supporters to fight.

When Time magazine asked Trump whether the election would end in political violence if he lost, the former president responded: If we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election.

If everything is honest, I will gladly accept the results, he later told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. If not, you must fight for the rights of the country.

When Trump says it depends, here's the problem: He has never participated in an election that he recognized as fair.

Even when he won the 2016 presidential election, he claimed Hillary Clinton and Democrats rigged the count to deny him an overwhelming popular vote, claiming without evidence that millions of noncitizens voted in California. The official investigation he ordered found no significant irregularities.

In 2020, when he lost to President Biden by 7 million votes, Trump not only claimed the result was illegitimate; he worked for months to overturn it, demanding that state officials find thousands of new votes in his favor. When his legal challenges failed, he summoned his supporters to Washington and urged them to march to the Capitol.

If you don't fight like hell, you won't have a country anymore, he told them. The crowd responded by invading the building.

He returned to that apocalyptic theme last week, when he told his supporters in Wisconsin that if Biden won a second term, we would have no country left.

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Joe Biden is destroying our country, Trump said at a rally. The enemy within is more dangerous than China and Russia. …I actually think our country won't survive.

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It was as if he was preparing his supporters for extreme measures if he did not prevail.

And it was part of a long pattern. In January, he warned that if his four criminal charges prevented him from winning, the result would be chaos in the country.

This is the opening of a Pandora's box, he warned.

In March, he posted a video on his social media account showing an image of Biden tied up like a prisoner.

And for months, he has presented defendants convicted of violent crimes during the January 6, 2021 insurrection as hostages, promising to pardon many or all if he is re-elected.

He's telling us what his intentions are, as he did before January 6, Juliette Kayyem, a terrorism expert at Harvard University, said recently on PBS. “This language is incitement language. … If he loses, we certainly know from what Trump has said and we also know from what the FBI tells us that there are large groups and organizations that are preparing to continue the fight.

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In the current state of affairs in the presidential campaign, this kind of crisis like that of 2020 may not happen again, since Trump has a good chance of winning.

The average of opinion polls released by shows a deadlock in the national popular vote, but it shows Trump winning in the six most important swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump used a day off from his criminal trial in New York on Wednesday to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, where he walked back his warnings about an unfair election process.

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“Radical left Democrats rigged the 2020 presidential election,” he again falsely asserted. “We are not going to allow them to rig the 2024 presidential election. We will not have any countries left… 2024 is our final battle.”

For months, Biden has sought to remind voters that Trump, if re-elected, would flout the norms of American government and politics.

Democracy is on the ballot, the president often says.

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By reminding voters that he does not accept a duty to recognize the result of an election he loses, Trump has paradoxically strengthened Biden's case.

For some voters, this election could come down to a choice between preserving democracy and hoping for a return to the low inflation of the Trump years. They may not find this choice easy.

A survey last year by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 38 percent of Americans think the country needs a leader willing to break some rules if that's what it takes to make things right. This significant minority included 48% Republicans.

When the Times reporter asked Trump whether his rhetoric about ignoring the Constitution and ruling as a “dictator for a day” might alienate voters, the former president disagreed.

I think a lot of people like it, he said.

Unfortunately, he is right.

Read more: Column: Biden says America is 'coming back'. Trump says we are “in hell.” Are they talking about the same nation?

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This story was originally published in the Los Angeles Times.




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