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Hollywood, music industry reach tentative AI protection deal with record labels

Hollywood, music industry reach tentative AI protection deal with record labels


In a historic move, Hollywood artists and media professionals have reached a preliminary agreement with major record labels, including Warner Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment, announcing a significant step forward for workers' rights in the entertainment industry.

The agreement in principle, covering the broad period from 2021 to 2026, includes crucial provisions such as strengthening minimum wages and safeguards against the encroachment of artificial intelligence (AI) into creative processes.

Led by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), which represents approximately 160,000 actors and media experts, the agreement received unanimous approval from the union's executive committee, as revealed an official statement published on the union's website.

The specter of AI dominated the negotiations, with concerns about its impact on artistic integrity taking center stage. Last year's discussions between SAG-AFTRA and the major studios largely addressed this issue, culminating in a historic contract in November after an arduous, months-long strike.

Particularly prominent during these discussions was the music industry's fight against songs generated by AI algorithms, a phenomenon that allows Internet users to imitate the voices of artists with alarming accuracy, often without their consent.

Under the terms of the tentative agreement with record labels, explicit consent and appropriate compensation are mandatory prerequisites for the release of any song featuring a digital replica of an artist's voice. Basically, the agreement states that terms like “artist”, “singer” and “royal artist” relate exclusively to human artists.

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator, affirmed the importance of the agreement, emphasizing the paramount importance of preserving authentic human expression and experience in music. “This agreement ensures that our members are protected. While technology can enhance the creative process, the essence of music must always be rooted in true human expression and experience,” Crabtree-Ireland said.

Other highlights of the deal include improved health and retirement benefits, as well as an increased share of stream revenues allocated to worker contributions.

The final ratification vote by SAG-AFTRA members is expected to take place in the coming weeks, marking a crucial moment in achieving improved working conditions and fair compensation for industry professionals.




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