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2024 Emmys Limited/TV Movie Supporting Actor Predictions

2024 Emmys Limited/TV Movie Supporting Actor Predictions


Variety The Awards Circuit section is home to all the awards news and related content throughout the year, including the following: official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards, hosted by Variety Clayton Davis, Awards Editor. Prediction pages reflect current race standings and do not reflect the personal preferences of any individual competitor. As other formal (and informal) polls suggest, competitions are fluid and subject to change based on buzz and events. Forecasts are updated every Thursday.

Visit the prediction pages for the respective ceremonies via the links below:


Emmy Awards 2024 Predictions:
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Anthology or TV Movie

Commentary (Updated: April 18, 2024): Jonathan Bailey, acclaimed for his portrayals of Olly Stevens in “Broadchurch” and Lord Anthony in “Bridgerton,” landed his highest-profile role to date in Showtime’s “Fellow Travelers.” In his role, Bailey plays Tim Laughlin, a young congressman entangled in a romantic relationship with a World War II veteran, played by Matt Bomer. Executing an empathetic and poignant portrayal has earned him rave reviews, including a major win at this year's Critics Choice Awards, where he bested competitors such as Lewis Pullman (“Lessons in Chemistry”) and Taylor Kitsch ( “Painkiller”).

Meanwhile, Robert Downey Jr., riding high on his Oscar win for Christopher Nolan's best drama film, “Oppenheimer,” could be in the running to pull off a rare feat. He aims to be the first man, and third person overall, to win both an Emmy and an Oscar for acting in the same year. In HBO/Max's satirical black comedy “The Sympathizer,” Downey Jr. showcases his versatility by playing four distinct characters, a performance that positions him as a strong contender for his second Emmy nomination. His first role came 23 years ago as a comedy actor in the classic “Ally McBeal.”

Also in the field, FX's “Shgun” has been leading the pack in recent weeks, although its prospects in the acting categories have remained uncertain given strong competition from many veteran nominees and winners. Tadanobu Asano emerges as a standout contender, while his co-stars Takehiro Hira and Yki Kedin are also potential inclusions, boosting the series' visibility on the awards circuit.

We're two months away from voting for the Emmy nominations and things are already heating up.

Read: Variety Awards circuit for the latest Primetime Emmy predictions in major categories.




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