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RUMOR: Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit will permanently close in 2025

RUMOR: Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit will permanently close in 2025


The latest rumor surrounding the Universal Orlando Resort suggests that Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit will close its doors for good in 2025. This roller coaster at Universal Studios Florida is getting old and not very popular with guests, meaning its final days could be close. Let's take a look at several recent changes that suggest this rumor is true.

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit entrance and marqueeHollywood Rip Ride Rockit entrance and marquee

Choose your own soundtrack on Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is probably best known for being a coaster where you can choose your own soundtrack. Upon boarding the vehicle, guests can personalize their experience and select a song to listen to while driving. One of the biggest changes to Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit recently was the major reduction in the number of songs.

As of September 2023, the song selection for roller coasters has decreased significantly. The ride went from over 30 songs to just 5. There is now only one song in each genre. The current list is:

  • Classic Rock/Metal: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
  • Rap/Hip-Hop: HUMBLE. by Kendrick Lamar
  • Club / Electronica: Sandstorm by Darude
  • Pop/Disco: Waterloo by ABBA
  • Country: Man! I feel like a woman! By Shania Twain

This change was disappointing for many guests, but could be a good indication that Universal Orlando plans to get rid of the ride soon. The secret tracklist would still be available, however. Take a look at the guide and tracklist here.

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit vehicle on the track and covered with a black tarp during a closureHollywood Rip Ride Rockit vehicle on the track and covered with a black tarp during a closure

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit opened in 2009

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit opened in 2009 and recently passed the 15-year mark. For most roller coasters, the design life is typically in the range of 15 to 20 years before a major refurbishment, including a complete re-monitoring, is necessary. Over the past few years, the ride has experienced numerous downtimes due to weather and technical issues.

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Has Frequent Downtime

The roller coaster cannot operate at certain temperatures or wind speeds, so the ride experiences many delays due to weather conditions. The vehicle also tends to experience technical problems and break down frequently. With frequent delays and costly ongoing maintenance, this route often creates many problems for Universal Orlando.

Workers in an elevator next to the roller coaster trackWorkers in an elevator next to the roller coaster track

Extremely difficult commute prompts complaints and lawsuits

A lot of time and money goes into maintaining these roller coasters, which aren't even one of the park's most popular attractions. Many guests agree that it is a “one and done” due to the extreme roughness. A Florida woman even filed a lawsuit against Universal Orlando, claiming she was injured while riding the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit.

Wide shot of Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit hill and trackWide shot of Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit hill and track

It seems very unlikely that Universal Orlando will continue to maintain this roller coaster for much longer due to so many problems. The roller coaster occupies a unique space at Universal Studios Florida, and it's possible that Universal Creative is already working on plans for a new attraction that can fit into the area.

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit was considered part of Production Central until Minion Land took over the park's frontage last year. Universal Studios Florida has undergone some changes with the addition of Minion Land, and now Rip Ride Rockit is technically located in the New York section of the park. A ride named “Hollywood” and located in the New York portion of the park seems like an odd choice and may not last very long.

Opening of Epic Universe Provides Replacement Opportunity

When Epic Universe opens in 2025, we anticipate that the other parks will begin to have new attractions to follow. Next year would be a great time to replace Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit with something different.

For now, the permanent closure of the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is just a rumor, but all these signs point to the end being near. Between guests complaining about injuries and even filing lawsuits, and the constant technical issues, there's really no reason for Universal Orlando to keep this ride open any longer. Do you think it's time for the attraction to close for good or are you hoping Universal keeps it open? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more updates on this story.

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