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David Mamet calls Hollywood diversity initiatives 'waste'

David Mamet calls Hollywood diversity initiatives 'waste'


David Mamet has not finished castigating the liberal Hollywood establishment.

DEI is garbage, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author told a packed house at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Its fascist totalitarianism.

The playwright and director didn't shy away from swearing or argument as he discussed his tell-all memoir, Everywhere an Oink Oink, with Times deputy entertainment editor Matt Brennan at Newman Recital Hall in USC.

His book, published in the fall, details his last 40 years in the movie business and his fall from grace as his politics took him from a progressive baby in the red diapers of two communist Jewish parents raised on the South Side of Chicago to a man today. Trump-loving conservative.

For more than a decade, Mamet's political and social statements have made as much headlines as his film and theater work. His final gripe concerns new diversity rules that the Academy of Motion Pictures instituted for Oscar-eligible films to help advance representation of LGBTQ+, women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.

The idea that I can't give you a stupid statue unless you have 7% of this, 8% of that… it's intrusive, Mamet said.

Although Mamet acknowledges that discrimination has kept groups from participating in Hollywood for years, he believes the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. In his book, Mamet describes the leaders of these diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives as capos and diversity commissioners.

THE [film industry] “He doesn't have to do much to improve everyone's racial understanding like firefighters do,” Mamet said, drawing some laughter from the crowd. He argued that his colleagues would be better off selling popcorn than trying to improve the representation of women, queer talent and other marginalized groups.

Mamet did not mince his words. He used the outdated term transsexual to refer to transgender people and denounced gender-neutral bathrooms. This politicizes the human excretory function, he said to even louder laughter from the crowd.

He proudly claimed his defense of freedom of expression in an amicus brief he wrote before the Supreme Court this year in NetChoice LLC v. Paxton. We are seeing serious attacks on freedom of expression in this country, Mamet said.

Cinema directors and screenwriters were not immune to Mamets' criticism either. He blamed movie studios for the hegemony that stifles the voices of independent filmmakers. There is no room for individual initiative, Mamet said. He added that the film industry experiences the growth, maturity, decline and death that happens to anything organic.

In 2007, Mamet was a vocal opponent of the writers' strike and complained last year when writers reached an impasse with studios as they negotiated pay increases and protections against use of artificial intelligence.

There will be less work, Mamet conceded. But the scripts will be better.

Does Mamet consider his children as Nepo babies who benefited from his illustrious career? Not at all, he said. He's glad they learned from being on set with him.

They earned it on merit, he said of his daughter Zosia Mamet, who starred in Girls. They haven't benefited from any type of privilege, he said, and he believes DEI initiatives are taking away hard-earned opportunities. No one has ever given my children a job because of their relationship.

Mamet said he was pushed out of Hollywood less because of his political views than his age. Young directors want to work with friends of their generation.

No one is going to pay me a lot of money anymore,” Mamet said. No one will let me have much fun.




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